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Messages - Dr.Kuzie

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Suggestions / Re: The Possible Problem with Optional PvP
 on: October 10, 2018, 12:16:05 PM 
Guys, MSE believes in the 4vs1 model; even with all the good ideas to separate the modes, with every bit of feedback a lot of people shared during this last year, with all the effort players have put in their reasons; nothing has changed, not even a slighltest lead in their responses. In fact, they always say the opposite: "We created the base in the 4vs1, with the antagonsit always being a possibility. That's the core of our game."

This may sound heartbreaking, but PVE or playing games with 2/3 players is simply not going to happen, at least not in the short road. It is neither a priority, nor important to them. And it's so sad.

What can a PVE player do in this situation? Well, we could go to another coop games and left this like a PVP option; or we can ask them to share some of the data. But again, they already did that: MSE says that antagonist is a core feature, the different spice, and a high percentage of players play it.

With that said (true or false), there is no point arguing, it's their win.

I would love to show them that there are a lot of PVE players, but can we do that? How? A PVErs strike? A pacifist-antagonist all day?

I dunno man. It's frustrating trying to play a game whose coop potential is so wasted because all the wrong reasons...

Antagonists are too worried about their preys going away yo a pve mode... When sooner or later pve players will grow up tired of this situation and leave the game, and those who only enjoy PvP will be the ones remaining. Things will get lonely anyways.

Si es que el PVE no solo es bueno, es buenísimo. Solo darle a los jugadores la oportunidad de jugar fuera de la escena competitiva y poder grindear ya da mucho de sí (D3, los bots del LoL incluso o del Overwatch). Un juego no tiene por qué estar enfocado únicamente a un modo competitivo; ofrece a los jugadores la oportunidad de jugar 1-2-3-4 con o sin antagonista, dales dificultades maleables (tienen un sistema de 1-99% que podría servir para que la gente se escogiese la superación personal cuando quisiese) y verán como esto se llena un poco más.

Los juegos no solo sirven para competir, también sirven para desconectar; ese grupo que busca solo jugar para relajarse es el público al que no han llegado todavía. Dar opciones al jugador no es malo, es beneficioso.

Y es que a mi a título personal me molesta que teniendo una experiencia cooperativa que supera en creces a muchos juegos no sepan sacarle todo el partido.

Esto sería lo ideal. Hacer que el antagonista se sienta como un lacayo de Uras es lo que haría reflotar el interés en cuánto a lo jugable.

Muy buena idea.

Suggestions / Re: Too Many Antagonist Now
 on: April 15, 2018, 07:46:26 PM 
The problem here, with all respect, is that the game offers a PVE game. If antagonist was a core mechanic, why can people play without him? Why the game balances itself around having or not having it? It's not a core mechanic, you can experience the game without him.

I understand why you defend it; PVErs are not here to remove the antagonist, but to bring room for more players. Another kind of players. And competitive players do exist in this game; I don't think a PVE mode would hurt the game. Just make antagonist mode more appealing with more rewards and that's all.

Right now antagonist mode is very unbalanced: antagonists with a lot of levels can destroy raiders because passives; experience in the map, objectives, having the weapon and cards... you put a "terminator" in front a bunch of newbie raiders and they get obliterated, hoping to play without antagonist. In the other hand, 4-man squads can block antagonist and don't give him any kind of opportunity to do nothing. The ping can be a crucial factor too... That's why this mode is very unbalanced right now. Needs a lot of work!

And I'm not trying to twist meaning or words; if the person loves the game with passion is obvious that you will find these class of discussions, because they have experienced that PVE game and that PVP game, and they prefer one over the other. You can tell them to reevaluate their relationship with the game, that's the way! But I have seen a lot of people saying that the game isn't for them (in a bad way) and is really discouraging, especially for new people. No offense, and sorry if something in this message or the other happened to trouble anyone.

Can't we all agreed in this one?

In the end, I think the point of the game is having a good time for everyone.

Suggestions / Re: Too Many Antagonist Now
 on: April 15, 2018, 12:52:18 AM 
So, PVE people just has to go to another game because this is one is not for them.

You know making a PVE mode would attract more people (less competitive, yes, but the point is to get more players) and make the game more popular, don't you? And maybe those gamers want to try antagonist mode, and then enjoy it because they can choose between the two modes.

We should be telling people to stay, not discourage them telling that "the game is not for you". I don't think MercurySteam wants to send that kind of message.

I think Drow has said pretty much everything. I'm in the same boat about the PVP (which I find terrible balanced and boring) and the PVE (playing with 3 friends is fantastic, and with another 1 one is a blast [the bug in day 1 let us to play like that] ). With the new changes I just back off about playing; it's just not my type of game anymore.

I suggest to wait patiently, forget about the game, maybe in a couple of months the things change and the make the coop version (would be neat!). In meantime, look for other coop games (Borderlands 2 or Vermintide are solid options!).

Español (foro general) / Re: Serio problema con los % de dificultad.
 on: February 20, 2018, 04:11:29 PM 
El juego se ha vuelto "demasiado" elitista con su dificultad. He pasado de ser alguien de 55-65% a no poder pasar de 30% y costarme la vida ganar un 29%. No es un desafío, esto es exagerado. Es tan ridículo que en "Un arma del pasado" al 29% no tardaron ni 4 minutos en barrernos... Tras esperar 10 minutos para entrar a jugar.

Yo no veo el desafío; es solo frustrante y tira para atrás a los potenciales nuevos usuarios. Se os ha ido de las manos este aspecto, no dan ganas de seguir jugando, no veo sensación de victoria en un juego que solo me apalea.

Aburre y empaña un juego que superficialmente parece estar bien.

Español (foro general) / Merchandising.
 on: January 17, 2018, 05:05:01 PM 
Tengo una duda...

¿Cómo se consigue un póster de este juego? He visto que han regalado pósters por twitter, incluso algunos firmados. Me gustaría saber cómo puedo hacerme con uno. (O con varios de cada campaña, puestos a preguntar xD)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: January 07, 2018, 04:20:29 AM 
There's nothing wrong with your critique except it's been said many times already. In fact there are several threads discussing it. It's been discussed to death and there are plenty of other points to discuss that believe it or not are a lot more important than 'x' character takes too long to unlock. It's not impossible but yes you are likely to spend a bit of money... somewhere between 5$ to 10$ just to avoid 'some' grinding. These characters are spread out pretty far when they release so it's not as if you're dropping that 5$ or 10$ right on top of each other. However, for new players that see how many heroes are unlockable versus readily available it can seem impossible. I do get that, though I hope newer players also realize long time owners had to wait for all those characters to even come out and that took months.

But it just feels unfair and a low blow. Money is not something to throw just to "skip" grinding. I would understand if those characters were locked for people who actually played the game in a F2P version... But founders? Ultimate owners? Is just greedy.

There are other games with other takes on this subject. Better takes that makes the grind more enjoyable and fair.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: January 07, 2018, 03:08:51 AM 
In my opinion the invitation system is both fundamentally flawed and counter productive to the game (and company) itself. The system rewards people for inviting players that have not spent any money and since the reward drastically aids both players, why would they buy the rest of the game? That means Mercury Steam gains few to no sales on invited players. Additionally, in order to adequately find people to invite, the player must use services outside the game itself (such as discord, forums, steam chat groups, etc.) since there is no in-game communication available. This creates a barrier to entry for the "feature" and thus limits it's effectiveness at increasing the player base. Not to mention the hit the company is taking on player opinion/satisfaction based on how difficult it is to unlock things without the invitation system; which again damages the chances for future sales to those dissatisfied players (or their friends).

I'm sure the system was conceived with good intentions but to me it doesn't seem like the positives out weigh the negatives. Sure, there is a group of players that take advantage of the system but the long-term damage the system itself is doing seems too dangerous to keep around. I'd personally aim to smooth-out the player progression experience and work to foster positive player experiences that they would want to share with their friends (thus bringing in more paying players).

But that's just my take on the situation.

This sums the situation pretty well.

In bold, the critical aspect of this situation: satisfaction. Lately I have been playing Raiders without feeling any rewards from the game.

These are my days in Raiders: I wait long qeues with my couple (she started to play 4 days ago); we play with people who just skyrockets the difficulty score with their levels (and levels adquired by buying's unfair), or, people who can't get along with the team (lacking an ingame chat to just give advice or something HURTS this game A LOT). In the end we can't even feel any satisfaction when we win; it has become more than a challenge, it's a constant beating to just get nothing.

To be honest, we have faith in some kind of co-op with bots, difficulty level selector...We just want to enjoy the game at our own pace. We have been doing with every other game in the market, why this one neglects that so hard?

I'm afraid; I asked about some changes and they told me that they were on them; hours later I get H.I.V.E. and the same history as Ginebra, Iune and Mikah... It's frustrating to just want to get all the experience and knowing it can't be.

I tried to get more people into this (only succeeded with one person) but everyone in my friend's list says the same: "Man, the game is...too grindy; I can't get into that because is too bad; I'm not playing that is just a pay to play but with free to play mechanics; This is like Battlefront 2.".

I give up. I enjoyed the game these months but I give up.

If I want the other campaigns I just need to ask anyone to invite me, it's easier, cheaper, and I can see the story.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: January 06, 2018, 02:17:37 PM 
I don't trust your math... you killed off one of your friends during your explanation and moved on pretty fast... Went from four friends to three friends real quick... Where is your fourth friend Pelanas?

My bad, you only need 3 friends cause yourself are the 4th team member. Anyways that doesn't change the amount of tickets, only changes the Nº of missions; you would only do 24...

But good luck trying to get those 72 tickets, its hard.

To be honest the ticket system for me feels like a cheap hit to make us players their marketing move and promote the game... But! If I want to use those tickets, I'm just getting 3 friends and playing with them until I use all and I won't tell them to buy the game, cause I would lose my earnings.

Why would I advise to buy the game in that situation?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: January 06, 2018, 06:15:52 AM 
Invitations is not really a panacea: you will get 5.000 for game. You need 72 tickets without counting gold to get Ginebra (let's say you want the most expensive one). 72 (if you onlye have 1 friend, let's say this is the normal case) games of 15-20 min. are 24 hours more or less. Getting tickets is more a "lucky charm" thing.

Then, you need people to play the game; if you have "3" friends, nice, you will only need the 72 tickets. That's a thing.

Then, you have to wait the matchmaking if you don't have 3 friends.

Farming gold requires a lot, really, a lot of time. In this game you can't expect to get all the characters; just choose whatever suits you most and go for it. Trying to farm all that gold is just madness.

Enjoy the game or just wait for another campaign (they said some major overhaul changes will happen).

Spacelords Universe / Any news?
 on: January 04, 2018, 01:24:41 PM 
So, after the Konstantin's weapon and skin, what else is going to happen? I mean, we haven't got any information or teaser of what is coming:
- Any changes in the horizon? Maybe something about the ideas of the forum? Reward system? New characters?
- Anything new about the matchmaking system? What about discussing the topic in "Private CO-OP" for letting people play without the long queues?
- What about the next campaign? Any dates?

While its good to know you are doing things, we would appreciate some information about those changes before too long.

I mean, yesterday my gf and I were waiting 2 hours trying to get into one mission (cause she bought the game and we wanted to play all the campaigns together) and we couldn't even get into it. She likes the game but she doesn't want to wait so much time; and we don't really like the idea of asking people to play (there is a matchmaking system, that's its job).

So... What about letting the community to know something? Anything about the direction of those big changes you said before christmas?

Thanks for reading.

Fan Corner / Fan Fic - "Una espada recubierta de Aleph" por Pelanas
 on: January 01, 2018, 07:10:11 PM 
Animado por el lore y los personajes del juego, decidí hace unas semanas escribir esto como una prueba personal. Al final acabó convirtiéndose en el motivo por el que Hans de Heaven's Bane tiene la katana a la espalda, de la misma forma, el motivo por el que se aparta de los Raiders tras rescatar a Lycus Dion (murmurando que tiene otros asuntos en la escena tras terminar la primera misión).

Esto es 100% ficticio y no tiene por qué verse como una afrenta al canon original.

¡Disfrutad la lectura!

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