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Messages - Whitebleidd

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Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: November 07, 2018, 02:25:06 AM 
I would compromise on not letting Antags on newer players but the rest of you are free game. I'm coming for you all. Know that when I ruin your games and blow your BP rolls, and one time rewards I'm in tears laughing. I actually see a few of my victims on these "Optional Antag Games" threads.

Evil laugher intensifies

Ironically I’m betting a good chunk of ppl in this thread not only have all bp’s but also have dupes of said bp’s and enough gold to reforge all weapons if they wanted and still have plenty left, so good luck with that…

Personally, I LOVE a good challenge from an antagonist. Now, before anyone gets carried away, I used to be challenged from the antagonists that populated the game when it was Raiders of the Broken Planet. The 'Spacelords' antags have been unbelievably mediocre. So Flowone, I hope to see you on the battlefield. I have all the blueprints and cards, I don't care about the "rewards", I like making antagonists quit the game, thats what keeps me coming back.

You do you ofc, but giving them a fight is exactly what they want, best scenario is imo if you manage to get the team to surrender as soon as possible, make them waste all that time they spent in queue, with basically no gameplay to show for it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why do I even bother
 on: November 05, 2018, 09:43:03 PM 
But you did say something about wanting a fair fight. I think we can all agree that may not be possible with the current mentor match situation. That's not to say it's one sided either. I've had mentor matches where we had a single new player a couple of mid levels and me at over 300 and the antag was level TEN. There was nothing good about that match, and I didn't feel good at the end either. It's especially painful when they don't rage quit and keep fighting, man I feel dirty, real dirty.

A fair fight isn’t only tied to level/mentor matches, if a single person in the group doesn’t care or isn’t in it for the pvp the fight is no longer fair, the current system promotes unfair fights since there is no choice when queuing up and most antags seem to love that predicament.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: November 01, 2018, 07:14:55 AM 
I keep coming back for the gameplay itself which I find quite enjoyable.

I’m sure a lot of ppl keep coming back for the gameplay (me included) but what happens when said gameplay is ruined by antags and we are not given an option… throw games…

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 25, 2018, 01:14:00 AM 
Play. They might win, might lose. Everyone acts like losing is the worst thing ever, or that winning is impossible.
We are talking about ppl throwing matches, I don’t think winning is entirely the issue here, but yea I can only speak for myself, a least that’s not the issue for me.

I've had an antag game on Upside Down that lasted probably an hour until I won, and it was the most fun match I've ever played.
That sounds absolutely terrible, that would have been a last match of the day for me for sure, this here is exactly why we need a non-invasion option, you may find that fun but damn would I have considered that an abysmal match.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 25, 2018, 12:49:34 AM 
You can call me toxic all you want, it’s the only way of ending FORCED pvp matches as efficient and quick as possible, and yea I encourage any pve player to do it, under normal circumstances (most games in general) I would agree throwing a match is something that shouldn’t be done, but in this game there are scenarios where its fine, such as antag invasions.

L_HUD#Message#Ban#PermanentBanSuicide    Because of your repeated suicides in multiplayer matches, ignoring our warnings, we are forced to suspend your user account permanently.

L_HUD#Message#Ban#PermanentBanAbandon    Because you repeatedly quit in-progress multiplayer matches, ignoring our warnings, we are forced to suspend your user account permanently.

L_HUD#Message#Ban#PermanentBanBadBehaviour    Because of your repeated misbehavior in multiplayer matches, ignoring our warnings, we are forced to suspend your user account permanently.

L_HUD#Message#Ban#PermanentBanBot    We have confirmed the use of external software from your account with the intention of modifying certain game parameters. We are thus forced to suspend your user account permanently.

L_HUD#Message#Ban#PermanentBanCheat    You have modified the normal operation of the game, affecting the experience of the rest of the players and forcing us to suspend your user account permanently.

Easy to circumvent, like drow said at that point just start feeding…

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 11:47:20 PM 
Like I said giving pvp additional rewards is something that although I consider silly, I would not mind, so long as actual content is still available to all, as for the mythical vision that for some reason players seem to take to heart nowadays on so many games... well I’m not an MS dev, can’t say the original vision is high up on the list of things I’m worried about, I’m concerned with having fun, being entertained, that’s what all this is for after all…

I also consider the pvp in this game to be amongst the worst, if not the worst ive ever encountered, which is funny because of how it contrasts with its excellent pve, but anyways, considering your idea seems to be giving more gold/fp im inclined to agree, should appease pvp ppl.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 11:21:37 PM 
It's slightly more complicated than that since you do need to incentivize players to pay as/against an antag, otherwise queue times will suffer for the antag mode. As I noted, I don't think giving better rewards is the answer but if MSE added monthly challenges then players could reach specific milestones and get additional rewards.

For example, you could earn faction/gold for missions completed, missions won, kills/assists vs players, recovering from a downed state, etc. These would reset every month and the best rewards would require a high number of games and skilled play to achieve. It should be noted that these challenges would not be attainable in the PvE-only mode.

That’s just not true and one of the issues in the logic of some pvp players, not only in this game. Those that play pvp should do so 1st and foremost simply because they enjoy it, pvp should not get anything  more ideally, when devs are fair, that said, I wouldn’t mind if they want to give extra currency (gold, fp, whatever) as long as they don’t block actual content, like bps, cosmetics, etc to pvp.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 08:53:08 PM 
Now here's my question. If Antagonist missions rewarded more gold, faction, and XP would you be ok with Antagonist missions? This applies to both roles.

Trying to fix it with higher rewards is inefficient because it only solves the issue for some, an option to opt out of antag queue (pve mode) solves it for all.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 01:01:41 PM 
So antags want the right to ruin the experience for others without anyone having a say on the matter (since apparently having a pve mode is a big no no), but when the raiders decide to ruin the experience then that’s when it’s bad, hmmm sounds unfair…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: October 24, 2018, 01:00:47 PM 
It's not ike it's unheard of. Pvp games alienate PVE players all the time this. This is neither a PVP Or PVE game. Plain and simple. There s a demographic for this kind of game. I'm sure of it.

Why can't you accept that this is the game? I'm sure MSE is working on the unfairness. Hopefully they can bring balance between the raidesr Antags and AI.

To be honest regardless of what they do I'm going to play this game. I just prefer the game the way it is and I'm hoping they can perfect it.

Reason I won’t accept it is because other than the pvp, I consider the game to be great and because I don’t believe it has to be one way or the other, since implementing a pve queue does not mean the removal of pvp.

This game needs all the players it can get, I want it to be supported for many months to come, can MS alienate pve players if they want? Sure, but on a game that has such strong pve gameplay, it would be such a huge waste, it has been a waste for over a year already…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: October 24, 2018, 06:20:25 AM 
So your answer is to basically throw away players, alienate an entire demographic, and for what? What possible gain can that bring? Why do that when you can simply give us (pve players) an area in the game, and the same old question, why are you even interested in pvping against us pve players?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: October 24, 2018, 03:43:13 AM 
Oh look, ANOTHER mentor match/antagonist thread adding nothing new to the conversation. Have we not beat this horse to death enough, yet?

Incredible. You leave feedback in FEEDBACK and people lose their shit because they didn't like your opinion.
Dude there's like 3 or 4 of you that post these threads almost every day, or hijack other threads to spiral down the same argument path, like the thread about enjoying antag mode. My desire to remain active on the forums has been on a sharp decline because it's just more complaining about the same 2 mechanics from the same 5 people. It's an echo chamber.

The forced pvp/antag topic is one that will pop up again and again no matter what, be it from vets or new players because its wrong, again there is no logical reason why some ppl should be forced into pvp and have a bad time just so some random person can have his fun, the fact it has kept on going for so long without being made optional defies all logic from both a game design and business perspective.

There has been multiple instances of ppl saying it shouldn’t be optional, and everybody should just put up with it, I mean this is a damn videogame, the point of it is entertainment, how can someone even suggest forcing pvp is ok, it’s a train of thought that is simply hard to wrap once head around.

Almost all successful pvp games of note have vs ai or singleplayer modes that also reward the player, SCVI just came out, why don’t antags go to that games forums and suggest singleplayer and vs ai modes be removed? Because apparently by antag logic everyone has to pvp or gtfo, let’s see how that works out…

Anyone that cares about fairness and the long term survival of the game itself is going to continue asking for optional pvp, because it’s the only logical way in which the game can continue forward, kind of ironic you call this an echo chamber, a place (same as steam forums) where new players keep popping up with the same antag complaints, I’m not saying there isn’t a raiders echo chamber, but imo said echo chamber is not this forum…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: October 23, 2018, 10:29:35 AM 
Mentor matches are a gamble that i am personally still willing to take, if there’s no antag they can go very smooth, I’ve completed stages like mind over matter with teams of all sub lvl 10s, just yesterday I did beasts lair with a group of sub lvl 5s in pretty decent time.

That is if there is no antag, if you get invaded then I agree completely, it’s not worth it, so imo just throw the match and move on…

Even if you lose there is always the next game.
On that we can agree lol, lose fast and hope rng blesses you on the next match ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 22, 2018, 09:51:03 PM 
Yea tell them how you obliterated a bunch of low lvls, or some pve players that didn’t even want to fight and were probably throwing the match lol…

Sorry but there is no valid reason for it being forced, and it is also hurting the game, I want to see more campaigns, a future for the game, but with forced pvp you will always have less ppl sticking around, only a certain type of pve player that really and I mean REALLY likes the game is going to stay, and put up with the current antag nonsense, otherwise there is no reason to stick around.

You also contradict yourself, if the antagonist mechanic is so great then why do you need us pve players… if a lot of ppl enjoy it like you say, then those ppl should be the ones playing it, but don’t drag everyone into it, that goes for antags and MS, just give us a pve mode.

And about balance issues, pvp/antag is currently one of the main reasons for the unbalancing of weapons vs the ai, currently many weapons are peashooters, because the priority seems to be dealing with other squishy players.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Fith Council not feeling like Tanks.
 on: October 21, 2018, 12:52:18 AM 
5th council don’t feel very tanky that’s true, this was even before the more recent nerf, but after this latest patch something else is at work, I’m fairly convinced there were many unmentioned buffs to the ai in the patch, MMR is again completely out of whack, it seems there was another bump to hp, damage and possibly spawns for mobs starting at lower mmr.

Things have gotten a lot less fun after the latest patch, and it’s not only because of the nerfs to some raiders, whatever tweaks they made to mmr/mobs… well it ain’t pretty…

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