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Messages - Gunshanks

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 08, 2017, 08:13:08 PM 

Having just received the invite to the beta this coming weekend, I wanted to draw more attention to this thread if possible. The email contained the following line:

 "We’ve made changes to the UI/HUD to make it easier to access the solo and matchmaking modes. In addition, we hope the rewards interface is clearer now. "

Which is great and all, because the interface wasn't all that clear, but it doesn't sound like they've made any changes to how they plan to implement rewards. I've seen multiple feedback threads, all mentioning the reward system as a negative, which makes me wonder if they're still in the middle of trying to figure out how to change it, or if they don't intend to change it at all. Has anyone received word from any of the devs about planned changes therein?

The rewards are the single most frustrating thing about the game, sadly. As they currently stand, it would take way too long to get anything accomplished, and even with a wider variety of missions to play, you'll still have to play the same missions over and over and over again to get the blueprints you need, and then get the cash on top of it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: If possible, we need more players
 on: May 28, 2017, 03:51:40 PM 
Hard to say for sure EXACTLY what the cause of the problem is, but I've definitely noticed that when I do get a game, it's with at least 2/3 of the same people I was playing with before, and that matchmaking takes upwards of 15 minutes sometimes.

It COULD be a problem with the matchmaking system, but it just seems like nobody is really playing at the moment, but I guess that's beta.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback for PC
 on: May 28, 2017, 03:49:10 PM 
I was going to make my own post about my issues with the game, but you seem to have hit the nail on the head.

The loot system is the single most asanine thing I've ever seen, and is probably the most frustrating part about the game. Back in the day when I played Payday 2 (which I see a lot of similarities to in this game, at least in the base design structure), what inevitibly made me quit was the fact that you have to grind the same couple of missions over and over again in order to actually unlock ANYTHING. Because of the way the blueprints are currently set up, where you can only MAYBE unlock 1 per mission, this is really starting to go the same way.

Lets look at it as math. There are currently 9 unlockable weapons in the game. You have to BEAT missions a minimum of nine time. However, this number is increased because of duplicant blueprints, and also the fact that up to 3 other people are grubbing for the same blueprint. Let me arbitrarily increase this to 30 missions because of that. Each mission approximately takes 25 minutes in my experience. That's nearly 13 hours of continuous playtime JUST to get the blueprints, not to mention the coins you need to buy the weapons themselves, or that you need to unlock skillcards, new characters, etc, etc.

At its current design stage, Raiders is just a huge grindfest that I can't see myself investing too much time into. On the other hand, I really love the concept, I love the fact that the devs are making this kind of game into a story-based adventure, and I'd really love to see where they can take that.

I can confirm this, as I've had it happen twice to me, getting excited for a new blueprint, and then having it be given to someone else on the rewards screen. The color coordination and placement of names seems pretty straightforward to me, and I've even received a single blueprint that landed in 'my area' before.

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