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Messages - tonicmole

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / Re: How do I just BUY a character?
 on: April 19, 2018, 07:16:33 AM 
That reminds me of when I bought Star Wars Battle front wanting to play as a Twi'lik only to find out you have to be level 50. I did finally unlock her and burned out immediately after. :P Took so long to get there I was done.

Suggestions / Re: General idea's for improvement
 on: April 19, 2018, 06:41:25 AM 
WHO-WHAT?!  Teleportation, flying off map, transforming into a robo-tiger, a sheild...or a tether. Which has limited range, does little damage, and is more awkward then simply meleeing the person if they are close enough to be tethered. However, it does mean that I have zero problems playing as Ayana since everyone is rushing for the snipers. It might work on Lv 1 players, but after that, turning and running away will get you stomped long before your tether is ready to sting them. :P Yet, you're then trying to chase them back down to finish them off. However teleporting behind someone and killing them instantly is a lot more straight forward.

Suggestions / Re: One Player Failed to confirm Presence
 on: April 19, 2018, 03:33:20 AM 
There is actually an easy fix for this. What I think is happening is someone wanders off while waiting on match making. The game requires no input to continue repeatedly teaming people up. The fix would be to require a player to confirm with a button press to continue match making once being kicked out for not confirming.

Suggestions / General idea's for improvement
 on: April 19, 2018, 03:26:55 AM 
This is just a quick list of things I've felt would improve the game.

1.) Optional Match Making option to exclude Antagonists.
2.) An option to narrow down the level gap of fellow players.
3.) The addition of character and weapon skins as rewards.
4.) Better balance between characters special powers. Example being Ayana's tether which appears to have very limited purpose, versus Harec who can fly, or Doldren who can teleport. A fix in this case would be to cause the tether to drain the life of the enemy, reinforcing her own as a armor boost while tethered.
5.) High score: A more nuanced score keeping system that covers all modes and allows the player to track their achievements.
6.) Offline mode. An offline mode which allows the game to be played without an internet connection, but that has no rewards other then keeping a high score.
7.) Unlockable cards. Seems a waste that cards are gained at random. I feel like it would be interesting to actually gain cards as rewards rather a random draw.

That's all I got for now. Loving the game, hope to see it continue and expand!

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