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SPACELORDS COMMUNITY => Spacelords’ Advice => Topic started by: Urgehal on November 23, 2018, 02:52:20 PM

Title: Weapon advice
Post by: Urgehal on November 23, 2018, 02:52:20 PM
After grinding in the game for quite a bit, started to get going on the weapons. 2 quick questions:

1) Best build for Iune's Vortex & Mikah's Barrier?

2)Any reason to put points in caliber when there's crit chance/crit damage or hero killer/exterminate also available on a weapon. Seems like a waste, but I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Weapon advice
Post by: Urgehal on November 25, 2018, 06:38:26 AM
Anyone? Particularly question 2.
Title: Re: Weapon advice
Post by: LoganMaze on November 25, 2018, 12:45:00 PM
caliber is more of a stat you want to do damage towards both elites/players and normal enemies, and the crit chance performs great with some weapons and others not so much.
about the vortex build i haven't tried many builds but i would recommend fire rate and if you aren't going for gold farming pick crit chance as your second priority, the fire rate should help you lower your the cd on your healing ability.
Title: Re: Weapon advice
Post by: LordDraco3 on November 26, 2018, 10:14:21 AM
dynamic is most important for any gun that has it as an attribute

Vortex, go for crit, then reload, then fire rate. I made mine with max fire rate first, and will be remaking it eventually. Reason being, the special shot does not charge up during reloads, so right now I can pop off shots really fast, but reloads are slow, so I hardly have time charging up my special shot. I'd rather have less downtime, and the base fire rate is pretty decent already.

Caliber is base damage. Important stats are crit chance > caliber > crit damage when those are the options. It will ALWAYS do more damage than Crit chance > crit damage > caliber, through testing.

Or if the gun has hero killer, exterminator, and caliber, it's up to you. You can max Caliber and one of the others to deal a ton of damage to a certain enemy type, like bosses and players, but if you max HK or Ext, the 15th point in those gives a huge boost to their %, so maxing those 2 and putting the rest in Caliber gives you a nice even damage boost to EVERYTHING you shoot at.

I think the totals are like 100% extra damage to a certain type, with like 60 or 70% to what's left, if you max caliber and one of the special ones. Or you can get like 80-ish % to everything if you max HK+Ext with leftovers in Caliber.

This is all assuming you are max forge, of course.
Title: Re: Weapon advice
Post by: Urgehal on November 27, 2018, 06:30:37 AM
Thanks for the tips guys.