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Messages - Engelsgaard

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Suggestions / reversing passive skills
 on: March 22, 2019, 07:00:30 AM 
a lot of people are angry at newbies, because they don't understand the objective, but also because they die a lot.
They die more than higher tiers because of their lower forge and lower passive skills.
Does it make sense, that in a game with equal difficulty during a match the higher tiers need less tactics, less prudence than beginners?

My suggestion would be to either change the forging or the passive skills to something, that makes lower tiers better at either melee or shooting than higher tiers. To me it would make complete sense that "tier -" receive 50% less bullet damage, and deal 50% more bullet damage than higher tiers.
This way I'd be kinda glad when they join my game. They can play it as a normal shooter and should try to avoid melee. While I (as a higher tier) have to go behind cover when the bullets come flying, and go into melee more often.

You could also make it the other way around and let beginners go into melee while higher tiers have to stay behind and shoot.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Baby Harecs
 on: March 21, 2019, 09:24:23 PM 
On Short fuse I (Shae) wound Elites for my teammates. Harec sees my struggle to properly kill them and helps me eliminating them with Headshots. We were a great team.

Spacelords Universe / Re: How do you Prefer your Antag Matches?
 on: March 18, 2019, 07:06:36 AM 
D) the Antag showing us that he could win, but then letting us win nonetheless, showing mercy. Especially when the team clearly is less competent than him.
For example he could refrain form killing the last wounded guy while in survive, or stay next to the old guy while not attacking him etc.

Gameplay Feedback / My way to level 199
 on: March 15, 2019, 09:15:13 PM 
Hi, I just reached level 199 and wanted to share how I got there a bit.

First some stats:
It took me 338 hours and with the last match, I got all the raiders as well. I've got some nice forge 10 weapons (around 6) and I'm soon gonna buy better ones.

How it all started: I forgot how I found out about the game, I think I googled MMO-PVE or something. The Coop shooter aspect of the game intrigued me.
After installing, I immediately joined a match as I wanted to see if the game was to my liking. I got put into a Kuzzman map and the only Raider still available was Alicia. I felt like I picked someone useless, I can mainly remember the low range and that there was a lot happening. I really liked the visuals, that I took cover so flawlessly and since other people played it, I sticked with it for a more thorough review.
Afterwards I tried Konstantin and a bit of Harec. I mainly skipped Lycus because of his shotgun and my bad experience with Alicia. The game soon told me to buy Hans and I’m glad I did. I thought he was “better” since he needed a higher level, and he was a bit faster than Konstantin.
Since I watched a movie next to the game a lot of times, I didn’t get any audio cue of what to do. (my bad, dear game designers)
At first I wanted to level up for the new maps, but I had my difficulty understanding them. Dr Kuzman = no melee (took me a match), another one was lost because I didn’t even see the timer, then I picked up on the timer and people pulling the lever.
Breath of hope was easy but it took my many more levels to understand how to destroy the guardians. Same for finding the old man and realizing it was his health on top. Then I slowly understood that it’s about putting aleph into everything.
On the enemy within I was one of those shouting “out of ammo” in the second part, I had to idea what to do. Somewhere I bought the Tarrasque (didn’t get the hang of it) and bought the heavens bane for Hans, which I liked a lot.
At the point I watched Hihsasukes Youtube videos to see which Raider I wanted. The Barrier of Mikah was the most fascinating, because I didn’t understand when I healed, I think. Stress was still a difficult concept. After Mikah, I saw that Schneider was my thing, because he looked fun and Mikah lacked damage potential (with defensive barrier, yeah yeah)
On the map side: Short fused, I didn’t get the “carry bottles” until 5-6 matches in, I didn’t get the “shoot the thing to save time” until 40 matches in probably. But at least I got “collect aleph and put it in” part.
On no reservations, it took me a match or two to know what that timer was for and way more games to know when/how to grab to pesky sharpshooters that kept teleporting.
A weapon from the past felt okay to understand, I probably got killed by the bomb a bit when someone dropped it.
Marmaleda was tough but I got the hang of it. A bit later, I noticed thanks to Hihsasuke videos that the sidefaces were weak as well. Might have been at that point that I understood that bright yellow things are vulnerabilities.
Somewhere at that point I bought Schneider, his basic weapon felt super powerful and everything got easier. It was mostly because Hihsasuke recommended the “Cold Blood” card and it helped me heal. Still, I didn’t understand the link between healing and pressure.
To skip ahead, Aneskas map was easy, similar to Valerias. On white noise I thought it was a bug that made me levitate to my death for like 2-3 tries and I tried to avoid that map.
On the hanging by the ceiling map, I understood the basic principle. However I didn’t see that we could shoot the spider down before it grabs it’s head and it took my some “come to me”s to know why the head should be put on a podest far away from the spider.
Somewhere there I bought Shae, thought here beginner weapon was crappy, as the enemies hid before it was loaded. Still, I bought her other weapons, including the Aasi Dagan which I liked a lot.
After Schneider, Mikah and Shae, I felt I had all the raiders I really wanted to try. I wanted to level up for better passives until a friend from my guild told me that it was capped. So I got to that level. When I heard that there was a cap for forge level, I got told I shouldn’t waste money on lower forges. I think at that point I joined discord and got some good tips.
When I bought the other raiders, I had the following thoughts (in order of buying)
Ginebra, does VERY little damage except when lucky enough to push someone.
Hive, not good against bosses, not for range, not my cup of tea.
Rak, actually not bad, his pirachas take a bit long to load.
Valeria, looked fun at first but she’s slow and her healing is bad (compared to cold blood Schneider)
Aneska (not very powerful and her mech is blocking my view, low range)
Iune (fun, got mercy, but low health)
Loath (saw him tear down Schneiderbot, which impressed me, love his knockback effect weapon, but 100 hp in high MMR wasn’t enough)
Kuzman (low damage compared to Schneider and slow)
Ayana (ability was better than expected, weapon is so-so, not good against bosses)
Doldren (bought him last, took a bit of understanding to do damage with the weapon, but not active enough)

At the end I understood that most sucked a bit, because I compared them to forge lvl 10 weapons of Schneider and Shae. Now I’m eager to try some of them out.

Hope this helps good players to understand bad players, game devs to understand noobs and perhaps noobs to understand the game 😊
 Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, do ask.

Spacelords Universe / Re: KillerBall! Ya! Ya!
 on: March 15, 2019, 08:37:50 PM 
drone (and probably gun, not that it matters) as his drones do ALL the damage.
For short questions like this, feel free to ask on discord, it's easier ;-)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Wardogs usefulness in high MMR matches
 on: March 10, 2019, 10:19:11 PM 
I think you are quite right. A Hades with cold blood is way tankier than a Hades fighter. I think it heals quicker, and 140hp make a difference.

I would think -20% downtime would be a great addition.

On the other hand, they partially have really nice weapons to make up for their other flaws.

Suggestions / Monetization ideas
 on: March 09, 2019, 08:48:33 AM 
I would like to have this thread to gather ideas from players, where they would like to spend their hard earned gold or real money.
I do this because for me, the alternative skins really don't look any better than the normal ones and buying gold feels like cheating.

I did however notice in one video that there is a new currency coming and perhaps the devs already got great ideas that they are just not ready yet to tell us.

I enjoy that the game is not pay to win, but I feel a bit bad, playing it as much without spending some real money.

My two ideas:
- Being able to name some of the normal Mobs. Every small enemy has a name (some really funny) and I would pay some money to name one. I wouldn't even mind killing a Boaty McBoatface. Like 2€ to put a name in the list. The list of names would just get longer, the more people pay. (no insults, no real names etc. would apply)

- When dead, paying 40k to switch to antagonist. (why would I pay 40k to ressurect, that's more than the rewards of any mission?) I would like to beat the snot out of some melee Harecs.

Gameplay Feedback / flashy visual effects
 on: March 04, 2019, 09:34:05 PM 
The game has way more flashy effects than I'd like, for example when you get healed by Valerias portal, it just flashes you every 2 seconds.
Similar when you have lots of explosions and similar things.

Does anybody have a similar impression?

Before you comment on my display, I have reduced the blue-light spectrum, toned done the brightness and toned down the brightness ingame. But it's still very subjective.

Any possibility to reduce the bright effects (explosions and thelike) would be welcome.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Melee Blocking [suggestion]
 on: March 03, 2019, 08:09:29 PM 
so instead of "rock paper scissors" some "rock papers scissors lizard spock"?
the antagonist should try to lure some players out, or surprise them. The mobs help him deal damage while he is attacking a player. The game is not really balanced that way, and that's fine for me.
Also think about Xbox players, they don't have that many buttons (I believe). And the game is plently complex as is.

Anyhow, this is just my opinion and the devs posted a video with melee weapons, so they are changing something up.

Suggestions / Re: The excessive price of the game
 on: March 02, 2019, 08:20:13 PM 
Hey, a few thoughts: in the new video, there is a new currency displayed (no idea what it's good for).

Second: My problem with the money system is, that there is not incentive to spend real money, as things are too expensive for my taste. Most beginner skins looks (very objectively) better than the alternatives. Plus buying gold with real money would take the fun out of the game.

I'm looking forward to the new currency. I'm kinda grateful that the game is not pay to win, however I'm sorry for the devs that they didn't convince me to put up real money. I hope others will.

I understand that some people feel like they have to "grind" in order to get all the characters, but I have to ask, once you got the, what is the end-game? Grinding is like a boring thing, for me the normal (fun) gameplay brings enough gold and faction points to keep me going. (+ I always return to a few heroes I like, and don't play the new ones much)

Suggestions / Re: Add Vote To Kick
 on: February 28, 2019, 09:54:47 PM 
yup, I had the same thing and I really didn't understand it. Two players wanted to surrender from the very beginning, while we were easily winning. (Valeria boss match)
When I refused to surrender, and the fourth guy (beginner with Loath) didn't surrender as well, they threw themselves off the cliff. Only one disconnected once but came back, just to throw himself off the cliff some more.
I kept going and got quite far solo, but with a "survive 120" some mob got me in between.
I really don't understand that behaviour.

Suggestions / Re: Newbies vs The World
 on: February 17, 2019, 09:55:38 PM 
The devs replied in another thread, that they're working on a tutorial. But I (and many others) fully agree with what you are saying.

The way it is now, it's not something you easily learn on the go. Some (many) players without ranks (probably level 1) disconnect during a mentor match.

Suggestions / Re: Button to launch to the mission
 on: February 15, 2019, 11:23:47 PM 
there is a solo practice option, that even rewards really good gold when you first play it on insane-level.
However you can't solo practice at the very start, you need a certain level.

The mods already responded that they are looking into it, to make some practice available to new players.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Card suffering… um shuffling
 on: February 14, 2019, 11:56:27 AM 
it's really hard to prove that something is wrong, but I have to admit, that on Schneider I've got plenty of yellow cards and pretty fast exactly what I wanted, even with good exp on them.
With Shae, it took me 6 draws to get a rare card and I'm far away from getting any cards I'd actually want.

So yeah, subjectively, it feels like something is wrong. Still hard to prove anything. We just have to trust the system I guess.

As a suggestion, perhaps pay 5000 to remove a card from circulation, thus in the long run, you can remove every card, except for the one you want.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New update issues
 on: February 06, 2019, 06:56:16 PM 
I'm fairly new to the game (2 weeks in, level 90), but all this bashing is a bit harsh. They are fixing bugs and it's free to play.
I'm sorry if you joined before it was free to play and feel like it was a mistake. But as far as free to play goes, it has amazing graphics (playing in 4k), I didn't notice major bugs, it has Mods that respond to some messages and so on.

Furthermore it's not pay to win, the new characters and guns are affordable with some grind (got Schneider, Hans and a couple of yellow guns) but even the starter characters and weapons are playabe at higher difficulty as far as I can judge.

I understand some frustration, but please think that you are critizising people that try their very best and dared to create this pretty unique and, all in all, well thought out game.

Btw. this was the first game I rated on Steam, more players = more people paying real money = more programmers that improve the game.

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