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Messages - lightoflife3

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Gameplay Feedback / Respawn points
 on: November 16, 2019, 10:28:56 PM 
I think some of the respawn points should have their locations adjusted: On some missions where there are evacuation points, like the fatty aleph convoy, when the evacuation timer activates, raiders respawn at the evacuation zone, but for other missions like the sargon mines, the mission for rescuing Lycus and the mission for rescuing the first protector, raiders don't respawn at the evacuation zones; and on the general Marmalade mission, raiders respawn to the evacuation point if their in the right location

This issue was mildly annoying, because when the evacutation timer had only a few seconds left on the clock and I just respawned, I died for no reason.

Furthermore, dying meant that my team would have to go on without me, which can create more issues:

1) If I played a fifth council character that wasn't Ginebra and the rest of the team was already far ahead, it would take a while to catch up, which could leave me open for attack and perpetuate the cycle of dying and respawning again and again
2) If my absence meant my fellow raiders couldn't effectively progress through the mission, then they could also die, I would have to wait for them to respawn and I could left me open for attacks, perpetuating the cycle of dying and respawning again and again.

In conclusion, I think raiders should respawn at evacuation zones so a perpetual cycle of unfair, unnecessary team deaths does not occur.

Suggestions / Guild Invitation
 on: November 16, 2019, 06:38:13 PM 
I think their should be a new invitation setting for players, I call it 'Randomly Assigned Voluntary Invitation.' If a player without a spaceguild wants to immediately join a random spaceguild or if a space guild immediately wants more players, then both could turn on the 'Randomly Assigned Voluntary Invitation' setting and spaceguilds would become integrated into the system, until they turn the setting off; or maybe their could be an additional setting that either keeps the 'Randomly Assigned Voluntary Invitation' system on or off.

I hope this is a good way to meet new players more easily.

This could also be incorporated for penalties: Player penalization could include deactivating or permanently banning players from using the setting.

Suggestions / Character Viability
 on: November 16, 2019, 05:27:32 AM 
I think there are two issues with character viability right now

1) Most characters aren't viable throughout the whole of the missions
2) Some mission objectives follow themes that only a few characters are viable at. And when that happens, it makes character variety feel less impactful.

Explanation for problem #1: When I'm on a mission objective where the goal or part of the goal is to attack a giant bullet sponge in an open spaced area, like fighting Dr. Kuzman in the desert, General Marmalade, Aneska in her mech or Schneider in his mech, I always choose a high DPS character like Schneider and Constantine; When I'm on the mission where the spacelords have to save Loaht, I choose Rak Mayura, because his ability to increase the movement speed of teammates is useful when their holding the canister; when I need effective AOE damage I pick Dr. Kuzman.

The reason why I choose theses characters, is because their effective at those objectives. But when it comes to other types of objectives, they are less viable which makes their viability throughout the whole of the mission inconsistent. And the only character I can think of with consistent viability throughout a certain mission is Ginebra on the hades aleph mining mission. In this whole mission, mobility and flanking is quite crucial and Ginebra fits this mission well.

In conclusion, I think the solution for character viability is a mix of more characters that can be effective at specific objective types, so theirs more variety, more missions that can compliment the abilities, weapons and talents of the least played characters to make them more viable and more mission pattern variety so that some characters have general viability on certain mission (Which brings us back to character variety).

Suggestions / Random Character Selection
 on: November 16, 2019, 02:51:53 AM 
When a player doesn't pick a character by the end of the countdown their character is randomly selected. I think the process for random selecting characters should follow two rules

1) The randomly selected character should be of an unselected faction to maintain team balance.
2) Any characters evaluated by the dev team and the community considered appropriate or viable on the current mission will be included in the drafting process, if the player already owns them.

Suggestions / Character Attributes
 on: November 16, 2019, 12:55:59 AM 
I think a spider chart should be displayed in the character profile screens to summarize loadout attributes, like how much crit damage they can deal, crit chance, average DPS, healing output, mobility etc. Maybe an expandable spider chart.

Suggestions / Team Roles and Loadout Classification
 on: November 16, 2019, 12:47:56 AM 
Most playable characters have weapon selections and talents with very different play styles, similar to character classes. They can make characters more utility oriented or more crowd control oriented, more offensive or more defensive. This can be misleading in character selection, when another player picks a character that can be altered for healing or DPS or range, for instance: Alicia has a weapon that can heal allies, Sooma can equip a talent that makes her pain meter run out slower and she has a rare weapon that automatically replenishes her pain meter, with a build like that applying barriers to allies is ineffective.

I think the solution would be to have a loadout tag system in the character selection screen at the start of the match, that classified characters with their current loadouts for certain team roles. And once a players selects a character, a notification bar would highlight characters viable for the open team roles (based on the character and the variety of talents and weapon differences).

Suggestions / MMR and Match difficulty
 on: November 15, 2019, 11:53:27 PM 
I think MMR should be relative to match difficulty ratings and that MMR should only increase if players can consistently win a certain amount of matches relative to what their MMR is on average.

Suggestions / Match Character Selection
 on: November 15, 2019, 11:48:05 PM 
When I play a match, I think some players don't pick a character until it's close to the end of the countdown timer, because they think an antagonist is going to appear in the match. This makes character selection take longer and makes picking out a complimentary character more difficult. I think that either character selection should be hidden from the antagonist or matches with antagonists should be an optional game mode.

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