Author Topic: Game Penalties  (Read 8539 times)


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Game Penalties
on: July 17, 2019, 02:29:49 AM

If a player quits a game they do so for various reasons. For example, I quit a mission, I already have a 9.0 on as a Raider because I was teamed up with 2 rank 6's and an unranked player. There's no way I was getting a better score and if an Antag joined, very probably a loss due to him/her targeting my teammates. Also mission difficulty would be very hard for them. I quit. Then it means my Guild Aequilibrium bonus drops as well. That was 25 minutes ago and they're still on the mission. Your 'cancel' button, when asked if you want to rejoin or not is broken. It puts you back in the game if you press it - game testers hello???
So, I'll get a 5 minute penalty, but making me wait until they finish the game is asinine! I could be helping others during this time.

After a 30 minute game end wait + penalty, my next game after a long wait is with another 3 rank 6's. Again an instant game quit before the game started. I've no desire of blundering through the Aneska mission, that'll likely take nearly 30 minutes to finish, if I finish. I have an MMR of 46. What does this mean? Your pool of players is dropping MSE.

***Another Edit***

In fact remove penalties altogether and allow players to drop into a game if they're missing players. You have no in-game player block mechanism, which won't team you up with said players. I'll instantly quit any game with a player I dislike. You have to give people the option to play or not to. Penalising them for refusing is draconian. I hate taunts and people who taunt me get blocked immediately.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 08:01:01 PM by Marcus4471 »


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #1 on: July 17, 2019, 12:46:16 PM
in Overwatch QP you can bounce from several games in row and immediately go back into a new game with no penalty.  You still get gold to buy skins and stuff.  The game is like 20 USD.  I do not know why you guys are still volunteering yourself to this torture chamber known as spacelords.  Hey I know it's not as cool as spacelords where they say curses and kick each other in the groin, but no one is twerking so that's good.  Overwatch is not as good as raiders of the broken planet, but it's better than this current mutation.  Plus Blizzard does anti-cheat, where they ban people who use aimbot hack and stuff.  You'd be surprised how pathetic and abundant cheaters are in games.  There are a millions games to play.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #2 on: July 17, 2019, 07:13:21 PM
I'm just playing for the platinum. Once I have it I'll beaving this game for good.

P.S. And ANOTHER match, 50 MMR pu in with 2 rank 6's and an unranked player. Again instant quit at character selection.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #3 on: July 17, 2019, 08:45:28 PM
So you saying you arent good enough to carry low lvls? :D


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #4 on: July 17, 2019, 10:18:15 PM
The better question is; why do low lvs always have such high mmr? Seems like a pretty glaring flaw and not at all uncommon. Like 80% of the posts after each patch is about being saddled with newbies on a high difficulty match.

Isn't the point of mmr supposed to be so high lvl kitted out players who are grinding matches still have a challenge? Isn't mmr calculated on wins, tier, lv, performance ect.?

Seriously why are players with no experience being placed in high difficulty matches so often that it's the norm?

Also to OP. I agree with your whole post.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #5 on: July 17, 2019, 10:45:36 PM
The better question is; why do low lvs always have such high mmr? Seems like a pretty glaring flaw and not at all uncommon. Like 80% of the posts after each patch is about being saddled with newbies on a high difficulty match.

Isn't the point of mmr supposed to be so high lvl kitted out players who are grinding matches still have a challenge? Isn't mmr calculated on wins, tier, lv, performance ect.?

Seriously why are players with no experience being placed in high difficulty matches so often that it's the norm?

Also to OP. I agree with your whole post.
If you watch the top right of the screen, while searching for a game it will change from low MMR difference to high. What does this mean? It means a low pool of players. It means that Spacelords are haemorrhaging players, most certainly after July 2nd update. They'd realised they'd majorly screwed up with it and released another update about 6 days later. This was like putting an elastoplast over an amputated leg. There are 33 players on Steam. Even if there were 500 on PS4 they're not playing much. This is why matchmaking is awful.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 10:48:50 PM by Marcus4471 »


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #6 on: July 17, 2019, 11:02:26 PM
High? 48%-50% is high for you? Thats like medium MMR. I had 42% mmr on my smurf.
And you guys DO know how MMR works right? You do understand that that low lvls if they have lower MMR will lower mission difficulty?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 11:04:02 PM by SergeyKosinskiy »


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #7 on: July 18, 2019, 02:00:46 AM
TL:DR Whatever the equation that's driving the MMR system, while good in theory, isn't having the intended result. Imbalanced teams and matchups have always been a part of the experience.

I'll admit that I don't fully understand how MMR works. I basically use MMR and difficulty score interchangeably. Now, when I say "high" I'm speaking relatively, in the context of new players.

When you've got somebody who still thinks that destroying the extractors in Short Fused is how to win, I'd say 50 is high. Not to mention how 50 is about the point where a single ad can 2 shot a full stat wardog from across the map with a shotgun.

I'm also forming this in the context of the complaint I'm seeing here most often. That complaint being; vets saddled with a team of mostly low to no tiers at a difficulty too high for them to meaningfully contribute. Give or take a god tier antag.

I'll take your word that 40-50 is the average MMR. And we know that the purpose of mmr is to guage performance in order to modulate challenge. If most of the newbies that people in this range get paired with don't have a grasp of the mechanics, I'd say that MMR isn't accurately assessing player proficiency.

Otherwise experienced players wouldn't be getting sorted into the same league as people who think that punching Kuzman is a winning move. While the dwindling player base is a strong theory, I don't think that's the reason. Long before these bad patches we still had to deal with absurdly imbalanced matchups.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 02:16:17 AM by Placelord »


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #8 on: July 18, 2019, 02:09:06 AM
I played my dailies and lost 3, including BP. I'm very close to 325 score and need 1 Antag mission really to clinch it. So I decided to play a 6th game. I played one but quit about 6 due to low ranked players. Hopefully, I'll get enough cash and BP's by mid next month to buy all players and get a platinum on my PS4.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #9 on: July 18, 2019, 04:02:12 AM
High? 48%-50% is high for you? Thats like medium MMR. I had 42% mmr on my smurf.
48-50 mmr is way too high for low lvls, but above all, what is high, medium or low mmr, varies wildly with whatever whims MSE has for the week, that said, as of how things stand now, 50 mmr is high for low lvls, and we are talking real low lvls, not someone smurfing.

And you guys DO know how MMR works right? You do understand that that low lvls if they have lower MMR will lower mission difficulty?
Do you? Anyone that has played the game long enough knows MMR from new players doesn’t have a significant enough impact on mission difficulty, it should, but simply doesn’t, also new players can attain MMR levels that are way too high for them and their skill/forge level by being matched and carried by higher tier players, and there’s also the human trash antags that are max tier and lower their MMR to the 40s or lower in order to cheat on missions.

So yes, as the op suggests, the current leaver penalties are unreasonable and should simply be outright removed or at least not require the match to end for the 5min timer to begin, since this game gives strong reasons for a player to justly want to leave a match, they should either fix this issues or remove leaver penalties.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #10 on: July 18, 2019, 07:04:11 AM
High? 48%-50% is high for you? Thats like medium MMR. I had 42% mmr on my smurf.
And you guys DO know how MMR works right? You do understand that that low lvls if they have lower MMR will lower mission difficulty?
I assume you were replying to Placelord but he meant why does a level 6 have a high MMR for his rank not overall. Yes 50 is a medium MMR but still way too high for a rank 6.
And lower levels with low MMR do not lower difficulty. Were that the case my team, consisting of a T1 R3, R2, R1 & T2 R6 would have breezed through the final Hades mission. We didn't, far from it. I was using a build 10, most powerful sniper rifle, hitting for around 690 a shot. With aleph boost double. Aneska must have had at least 50k hit points. It took 31mins to finish, the game was crawling with aleph boost elites. We got no time bonus, no raider death bonus and I finished off with a pitiful 7.8 even though I was on the go non stop. The rank 6 died the most, effectively doing no damage worthy of note with his weapon. I also lost my aleph boost a couple of times.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #11 on: July 18, 2019, 07:52:42 AM

You leave, you say screw you team, why there shouldn't be a penalty? Especially when you do it even before match starts?

Im on 63, mission goes lower because of new players to 41. Sure they don't lower it, sure.
Or even better how about 25 mmr? Im still on same 60.

The only thing that is wrong with MMR is random difficulty spikes.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #12 on: July 18, 2019, 04:21:50 PM

You leave, you say screw you team, why there shouldn't be a penalty? Especially when you do it even before match starts?

Im on 63, mission goes lower because of new players to 41. Sure they don't lower it, sure.
Or even better how about 25 mmr? Im still on same 60.

The only thing that is wrong with MMR is random difficulty spikes.

You're talking out your posterior. You clearly missed my above reply. Case in point: I just finished a 25 minute, 'In Shock' mission with a T2 R6, R6, R4. I'm T1 R3. Albeit I was playing Hans with his Heaven's Bane K8 with 7/15 Lethal, 15/15 in Bounty and Affiliation, I was doing diddly squat damage on the enemy Fifth Council. My MMR was 43%. The matchmaking difficulty was 38%. It meant my rank had pulled up the difficulty alot. With four firing on Kuzman his health was literally going down about a millimetre at a time. I finished off with a terrible 7.2.
The game was even harder for me because I was doing the highest damage therefore all Fifth Council were predominantly on me. Had they not been on me we would most certainly have lost. My teammates a Mikah, Hive and Konstantin were doing very little damage. Hive was a R4 so had probably a lvl 2 weapon build.

Sure some people will say "You should have maxed Hans's weapon out on Lethal &  Dynamic". Sure, in an ideal world but when gold and faction points are limited to a treasure pot and 4 dailies, Bounty and Affiliation have never been so important. Were I playing pre 2nd July update, I never had a weapon with both Bounty & Affiliation points put in. I had one with Bounty for gold missions, one with Affinity for Faction point missions and I never bothered with Treasure Hunter ever. 

Post July 2nd update I'm averaging around 20k gold a day. Faction points 6-10k. That's a massive drop in gold and faction to what I normally made, courtesy of the duplicate BP bonus which could be 20k+ on top of gold farming.

I have no incentive to play more than 5 games a day now. Before I was playing 5 times that! No need to collect XP either as past lvl 158 I'm not getting any stat bonus.

Bottom line? Matchmaking is dreadful and MMR is pointless!


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #13 on: July 18, 2019, 08:57:56 PM

You leave, you say screw you team, why there shouldn't be a penalty? Especially when you do it even before match starts?

Im on 63, mission goes lower because of new players to 41. Sure they don't lower it, sure.
Or even better how about 25 mmr? Im still on same 60.

The only thing that is wrong with MMR is random difficulty spikes.

So according to you 41mmr is something that a rank 0 and 6 should be facing? That’s exactly what I mean by mmr not going down enough for low ranks, or the system allowing low ranks to climb to high, there should be caps as to what mmr a player can achieve based on their lvl, so they dont end up in missions where they do no damage. Still the current mmr system is so bad, that having mmr caps in place won’t help a veteran player that is using a new character with a forge0 weapon, as I’m sure many have experienced just recently with Sooma, creating matches with high mmr, where your team mates are low lvls and you can’t even carry them effectively because you’re weapon is useless, add to that unavoidable invasions from scumbags and you have a recipe for extreme toxicity, going back to the point of this thread, leaver penalties are too harsh.

As for your second image, that one I can earnestly call bullshit on, either you were not mmr65 during that match, or the other players had abnormally low mmr, like the type only achievable by purposely lowering it, not even when I’ve had lower mmr in the 50s range, and getting multiple rank 0s, has mmr ever gone that low, not even when I smurfed in PS4, I can’t honestly ever even remember seeing mmr that low, only way that can happen is ppl lowering their mmr on purpose or getting invaded by an antag with very high mmr.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #14 on: July 18, 2019, 09:23:35 PM
Well right now the only person who at least show some screenshots with how low lvls affect MMR is me. I can show you my MMR on next day, its 67% btw, but will you call it bullshit too? And how can they lower it if they themself tiers 6? They arent so good at that like some ppl on forums and discord
And you can see Antag MMR in that screen too, it was really low but he himself was a really low lvl.
MMR 41 isnt hard, most of the time, only problem right now that difficulty did rise up with sooma patch.