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Messages - SegaSlash

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Gracias por la atencion, tengo mi canal de Youtube donde subo muchos videos de varios juegos incluyendo a Spacelords.

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Seguire subiendo contenido en Español de Spacelords en breve.

Suggestions / Re: Ideas to improve Spacelords
 on: February 12, 2020, 08:01:12 PM 
These are actually really good ideas to improve missions in getting rewards and more.   Thanks a lot for putting these ideas and I hope the devs consider this so we get a way better Spacelords in the future.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Epic Forge: Kill points need to be fine toned
 on: February 12, 2020, 07:54:50 PM 
This was something I was thinking but you said it better, kill assists should be a THING necessary cause if I'm not running with my teammates and doing random plays I noticed a lot of people wanna take your points from the elite you already put in wounded state, those steal kills are annoying. Normally if I see somebody beating an elite or regular soldier I let him/her have it but if the ally have problems I go assist from far by shooting but no everybody think about their teammates like that. its getting more frequent now with the players's hungriness for kill points nowdays.  By the way, I'll upload a video of best maps to farm today or tomorrow for people interested in get a lot of kill points in a mission.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New toxic scheme
 on: February 12, 2020, 07:35:52 PM 
I understand what happened to you, unfortunately when you play with randoms especially noobs, this could happen a lot. I recommend using Sooma (Redeemer) which you can shoot her red bubbles in the floor close to the relays and the stay there and kill the engineers, in maps like low blow, hanging by thread, fistful of sand or others required killing engineers she is queen at it, you can use Kuzzman (Lichtbogen), Loath (Cookie), Konstantin (O.Tolchok) and look for strategic points on where the relays are and you can cover 2 relays if they are close, in case you have a team inappropriate for the mission. Sometimes people use the character they like and not the characters appropriate for the mission. Some characters are way better in certain missions then others, even if you know how to use them properly.  My advice here is: better to use many characters then just 1 or 2.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: K&K
 on: February 12, 2020, 07:20:46 PM 
The damage on K&K increased even more with certain cards, if they nerf it down a bit would be great.  I really dont use it much, I use VK9, Granny and my favorite Barrier even if its nerfed so bad, its a shame such a great support weapon.

Español (foro general) / Tutorial de Mods en Español para tus armas
 on: February 12, 2020, 06:55:56 PM 
Hice un tutorial de los mods en Español para quien todavia no le entiende pueda comprender mas como se puede hacer una mejor arma.   Les dejo el link aqui:   

Cabe mencionar que juego Raiders of the broken planet desde que salio, y estoy pensando subir mas videos para que la comunidad de habla hispana crezca mas, asi que este es mi aporte para que Spacelords siga creciendo mas y mas.

Suggestions / Ideas for antags and to make the game fair.
 on: July 26, 2019, 12:28:09 AM 
Helllo, I play Raiders of the broken planet from the beginning and some of the changes you made through these 2 years some wete great and others not so good but I understand the game keeps growing and I know you heard many of ppls requests in the past to make the game better then what it was. So these are some ideas to make the game better or fair for Raiders and Antags alike.

1- Antagonists should have 40 lives to try to mess or interfere with Raiders mission, its clearly not fair that Raiders have to survive 2 times then have like 40 or so lives now cause the sudden death match and antags have no consequences in thier acts nor lives.

2-Antags with 40 lives can think more strategically in order to mess with the Raiders mission cause the antags infinite lives will make wreckless decisions and antags dont have punishment in their actions whatsover. You can kill an antag 100 times or more and if a lot more soldiers respawned because sometimes the game gets crazy believe me and the damage goes up then its over for the Raiders, especially ppl who play randomly and try to experience the game, this is bad for them and everybody else except for the antag.

3- mmr balance has to change cause I noticed some antags get a lot of help from AI cause the excesive damage they do, my avrrage mmr is 50 and I have an antag that he was the same rank as me but looks like he lower his mmr to 32 to have advantage and have an easy win, the mmr difficulty was 82 and you could not even show in front of a soldier cause it was over, it was ridiculous.

4-a more fair gameplay for everyone, the logic should be, if theres a lot of soldiers they have to do less damage or a few soldiers and do more damage but sometimes you can't do anything if 1 or 2 of your randomly allies left you in the mission and the mission like hanging by thread or weapon fron the past or a breath of hope gets crazy awful with a lot of ads.

5-If an antag left the match the mission has to continue, if he left the match, let us continue our mission.

6-After 5 mins that a Raider quit the mission, the Raiders can vote to open the matchmaking so new ppl get in that mission, believe me Huey does not help a lot, and if 1 or 2 or even 3 ppl quit the mission and you want to continue it, more ppl can join that mission.

I really hope that you take this in consideration, I love this game and I want this game to succeed so Im trying to help you with friends to play Spacelords but theres gotta be more changes in favor of everyone not just Antags cause it seems you guys are putting a lot of effort in make antags join but the Raiders are the important ones, if ppl dont queup as a Raiders the Antags could not even play.

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