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Messages - SegaSlash

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Aqui les dejo el link del analisis de un jugador que uso el arma USU-21 de Hans sin recargar su arma, sera un bug, expolit o hacks?  juzguen ustedes mismos.

Fan Corner / Re: Spacelords Fighters
 on: March 13, 2020, 04:47:42 AM 
Farfadet, I have the low bandwith option on but if everybody else have the low bandwith option "on" as well, there‘s nothing I can do. The system randomly choose the host unfortunately, there‘s should be that the system intelligently choose the player that has the best connection so we all dont suffer from lag problems but its been like this since the ROTBP, I hope someday they fix this issue.

Fan Corner / Re: Spacelords Fighters
 on: March 11, 2020, 02:38:39 AM 
Claro que si, I'm glad you repost it or retweeted, I'll be glad. Gracias por el apoyo y me gusta que les agrade mi trabajo con los personajes mas carismaticos que un juego puede tener. :)

Suggestions / Re: Kill Points the Second Tier PvP
 on: March 10, 2020, 01:28:17 AM 
I start seen this behavior more often when I play with randoms especially xbox players they compete a lot for been the feature player and steal your kills and some even still your alephs after you kill the elites or destroy the alephs from far away if they see you are trying to get it.

I think ppl forget this is a team based game and not a solo "i am the best" player, in games like call of duty, halo, smite or fortnite just to mention some exist this kind of behavior of toxicity that should not be in this game. When I see ppl trying to kill the soldiers I let them be and try to kill other enemies, if i see ppl in need i go fast to help them cause we share lives and is crucial for the mission to stay alive and the protocol of helping each other should be fundamental to succeed as a team. Normally I shared alephs with ppl who has 3 or 4 especially if they are slow like kuzzman or konstantin and if I'm using Rak or Ginebra or Hans I can get aleph fast again, no problem so they have 5 alephs to boost thier cards.

The feature player is so stupid for me cause sometimes the best player doesn't appear there, so if you inject alephs for the objectives, you survive orders or the survival of 1 or 2 mins or help grandpa to survive, etc it doesn't count, for the system the one who kill more is the best. it should be at least 2 feature players in that case the most supportive and the one who did the most damage.

I agree there should be Assist Points cause the greediness in some players is disgusting, normally I run with my buddies and we help each other and farm KP when we need it or try to do missions fast like a challenge or things like that but when you play with randoms oh boy everybody is a lone wolf, steal kills, steal alephs, let you die if need assistance or even if you go help them they leave you there alone with whatever situation you were trying to help them in the 1st place.

People really need to relearn how to play this game in a positive way.
If you guys wanna play sometimes with a person that respect your kills, share alephs, give you shield or heals, help you in need, let you get KP or wanna farm an specific map, or have a better rating in a map for the adventure and simply have fun in general, let me know.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE desperately need buff
 on: March 10, 2020, 12:17:01 AM 
I agree, Hive needs a buff that be viable cause she is so nerfed nobody use her. I use her sometimes to realize how nerfed she really is then I play with other characters again. Even with the right builds she feels so nerfed.

Fan Corner / Spacelords Fighters
 on: March 08, 2020, 01:01:37 AM 
I have created Spacelords characters in Soulcalibur 6 with the custom creation tool, it took some time to create many characters so they can fight with each other. It was really fun to make them as I had fun watching their fights as well.

I leave you the link here: 

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: CQC
 on: February 18, 2020, 04:06:43 AM 
Yes, I experienced this recently a lot and I do hope it get fixed soon. I'm glad they are aware of this bug and are trying to fix it.

Suggestions / Re: Report player feature
 on: February 18, 2020, 04:04:05 AM 
The thing that works out for me is blocking the player/s from the PlayStation 4 blocking feature, it might work as well with the xbox one, but if they implement something like banning or blocking a player inside the game, there should be proof with pictures, video and a really good explanation.  Sometimes new players report experienced players, just because they lose a match and they are salty and mad, and that is something they gotta watch out and look forward to make things right.

Fan Corner / Re: Spacelords fan visual novel
 on: February 17, 2020, 03:21:00 AM 
You really made my day, I really appreciated artwork designs in games, drawings and photos, and it looks really good, I'll check it out later. Thank you for the effort and hours dedicated to this project. I oove Spacelords characters. I have a Spacelords project as well I will share these days with the community.

Gracias amigo por el apoyo, te lo agradezco y seguire subiendo videos en Español.

Suggestions / Re: New finisher animations?
 on: February 17, 2020, 03:02:19 AM 
Well, that's quite an interesting suggestion! With the events and updates to come, we'll sure introduce a quite different animation for the throwing mechanic :-) Thanks for your feedback, Evil Jill Valentine!

This is actually a really good idea to add finishers from other Raiders into your favorite Raider even the Elite finishers are really good. I hope Mercurysteam consider adding this into the game, even a lot of people will be willing to pay real money for cool finishers and add some free as well so everybody could try and change into their favorite Raiders.

Suggestions / Re: Ideas to improve Spacelords
 on: February 17, 2020, 02:57:21 AM 
Spacelords won't be able to expand their staff or improve QA without new content that adds to it's replayability. When it becomes more replayable, players will invest more time and energy into the game, which means their more likely to invest in their micro transactions and purchase character and weapon skins, or emotes. Replayability is a long term investment that keeps the momentum of it's playerbase, which is important if your an online multiplayer game.

It looks like we have the same mind, I agree with you in all that you mentioned.

Muchas gracias por la amable atencion y me da gusto poder aportar mi granito de arena para que Spacelords crezca mas y mas en el mundo de habla hispana.

Spacelords Universe / The Best Maps to Farm Killpoints To Get Mods
 on: February 14, 2020, 12:39:31 AM 
I've uploaded a video of the best maps to farm killpoints, so you can extract mods to make way better weapons.

This video is in Spanish but you can turn Subtitles On in English.

These are the best places in the game because soldiers (10 or 20 Killpoints) or Elites Generals or Snipers (30 killpoints) come out very often from doors, edges or walls.

Les dejo otra guia esta vez de los mejores lugares para farmear puntos de muerte (Killpoints) para poder extraer mods para mejorar sus armas.

Estos son los mejores lugares porque salen muchos soldados de 10, 20 y 30 puntos. 

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