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Messages - gearedbeast

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Suggestions / Re: Coop mode (No antagonist interruptions)
 on: June 05, 2018, 05:06:48 PM 
I'm confused... This game clearly and seemingly proudly states all over that it's a 4v1 game. Yet people are constantly complaining about it. I agree it is rather disappointing at times to lose to an Antag but that is precisely what makes winning all the more rewarding. I enjoy playing as a Raider more but I don't mind having an Antag or being an Antag. It just means you have to play smarter. This game is clearly not for the weak hearted. And it has been my current favorite for over 4 months now and I ain't stoppin til they shut her down. Or change the game entirely do to excessive whining. Like SW:Battlefront 1. Stay strong and practice more. Upgrade weapons and get good cards and everything can be a cake walk!
The problem is the game isn't solely a 4v1. You can have plenty of matches as a PvE and I'm sure they also advertise that.  I wouldn't know because it's been a while since I looked at advertisement.
I accepted antagonist as a sole part of this game and gotten use to dealing with it for both sides but still think the inclusion is a waste and act as a obstical with no extra benefit. Not everyone cares about pride and over coming "challenges." Some peeps just want a team base-third person - action shooter with there friends.
Plus it doesn't help that it's bad enough that people have to deal with a shitty grind system  that is only worsen when An antagonist job is to make that grind worse.

Spacelords Universe / Re: How much would you spend on skins?
 on: June 03, 2018, 12:34:50 AM 

And the presence of extremely expensive skins makes me not even want to buy the cheapest skin. Because, again, it feels super shady and opportunistic.
How I'm currently feeling about skins

Suggestions / Re: We need Guaranteed Blueprints on Win
 on: June 02, 2018, 07:11:15 PM 
Yep, 110% agree with!!

Spacelords Universe / Re: How much would you spend on skins?
 on: June 02, 2018, 05:33:09 AM 
My turning point was when i was planning to buy the reborn skin for alicia until I saw the scummy tactic they threw at players to make them buy MP twice to get it, because that's the most popular skin for her.  It costs 1250 MP and they only sell a pack of 550, 1200 and 2500 MP at the store.
When i saw that i said fck that i rather play with her original skin
That's another thing that I completely forgot about that indeed make Mercurysteam look real dishonest.

Spacelords Universe / Re: How much would you spend on skins?
 on: June 02, 2018, 04:43:58 AM 

The dev post that made me make an account here argued that skins take a lot of work to make

That sounds like a cheap excuse to be able to have something expensive to sell, and of course they targeted the skins for this purpose because they knew there's always that group of people that throws their common sense out the window and buy them.
The real problem is that if people allows and support this behavior of course they're going to take advantage of that
That's why I considered a boycott.

Spacelords Universe / Re: How much would you spend on skins?
 on: June 02, 2018, 04:05:30 AM 
Technically Schneider alternate skin would be the newest if it came out with the release of the character. I don't know how much it cost so I can't say anything on it expect I don't like the look.
On Konstantin: his UNIT CH-041 is only $10 and I actually like it a lot but never could bring myself to purchase it.  Guess I don't like it that much, or i still feel a certain kind of way about the incident that caused you rake make an account. Still having a tad trouble forgiving them on that.

So an alternative title for this was going to be "boycott skins?". If the game was more popular they would've been crucified on the spot. It wasn't until they tried charging  $60 that the community had enough and called therm out on it which makes me question how much others in the community are willing to spend since not  a lot of backlash was given for $20. 

I respect that.  Arguing that you should buy skins to support the devs is completely unreasonable, but it's fair if someone do it of there own will. 
Something I got a problem with is valuing money. I ain't rich by a long shot but have expensive habit of commissioning artist, and becausr I value the art of the game above anything else I honestly didn't feel that bad buying the skin, but I still totally think it's least good way to spend my money.

Spacelords Universe / How much would you spend on skins?
 on: June 01, 2018, 02:28:02 AM 
 So I've been eagerly waiting for Iune's skin from her bio. More excited for this skin than a new weapon or character to be honest, but everytime I think about it I also think about the price and constantly question how much I'm willing to pay and if it's even ethical for them to charge a high price.

So honestly, I did buy Shae's when it was the highest priced skin to purchase. Even though I knew a skin for $20 was just stupid I prioritized my love for the art and design of this game. The character designs are main reason I love this game as much as I do in  the first place and supporting it didn't seem like a bad idea,  but ethically I knew it was a dumb move.

Till this day I'm dating how much would I spend now. I Question if I should let my love for whatever design push me or think more business like.  I noticed most fighting games charge $10 for a CHARACTER. Would you pay $10 for a skin when something much more practical cost less?

Would you, Or is it more about your personal taste, amount be damned (to a point)? This could also hurt people that think higher of their money and that's what I'm debating.

Suggestions / Re: Still Too Many Antagonists
 on: May 31, 2018, 12:49:05 AM 
Some people prefer  reward balancing over the thrill of fighting an up hill battle is because those people have goals that can get impeded by the antagonist. This game brought in 2  very seperate groups of people and are being forced together with no way out. True that PvP is just as much of RotBP as PvE but a game with this  system would have a way to please both parties equally.

I don't think antagonist players are bad people and don't need to be called such but acting like something ain't wrong here is stupid, and raiders calling antagonist bullies is immature.

If Mercurysteam is going to keep both modes they need to seperate them completely but also have some kinda solo mission that introduces the antagonist role so people know out the gate whay they're getting into.  It's kinda clear as day there's a antagonist mode but people skills also be forced to play to Better understand it.  PvP and PvE is Raiders of the Broken Planet and neither is going away.

Suggestions / Re: Still Too Many Antagonists
 on: May 30, 2018, 07:51:23 PM 
it was a lycus player, and on PS4. Aren't you on Xbox? Either way I do agree with you on antags being a waste of effort when even if you beat the mission you still come out way to freaking low.
the current patch was good but I'd lose my mind if they make significant boost in antag reward score for Raiders.

Suggestions / Re: Still Too Many Antagonists
 on: May 30, 2018, 03:45:48 PM 
I agree with Level9Drow that getting antags are pointless Because if they're solid they can still lower your score by giving you deaths you wouldn't other wise get, and wasting time because they know how to destroy your objective. They are either flies that won't buzz off or bees that are constantly stinging you., and you don't get any compensation for their harassment. no offense to any regular antag players.
I recognize this system is an integral part of Raiders of the Broken Planet but it is not a good system. I won't ask for it to go away but please make it make it optional and all around better. A cool down period is a really good idea, and so is overall balancing but I know that can't be easy.

Also, Like to thank one antagonist who didn't bother my team on A Fist Full of Sand(PS4). I forgot to check out your name but really thankful for doing that. We only raised the score to 8.9 but that's because we were running a little behind on time. Thank you for being cool.

Suggestions / Re: Best idea ever
 on: May 20, 2018, 05:07:07 AM 
I agree with op

Ship's Log / Re: Streaming today: New weapon for Konstantin!
 on: May 18, 2018, 02:07:22 PM 
Thanks for the explanation. I most likely will never catch a steam for several reasons so I appreciate someone telling others on forum how weapons will work. Devs should probably do this in general. Very helpful

Ship's Log / Re: Streaming today: New weapon for Konstantin!
 on: May 18, 2018, 03:11:30 AM 
Fair enough. Honestly though, before they revealed the weapon I assumed they were "hyping up" for Schneider or Rak, but that was just a personal want. 
Cool idea to show off new weapons like this, though.

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