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Messages - gearedbeast

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: New Spacelords Features...
 on: August 11, 2018, 02:54:44 AM 
Correct me if im wrong.

You still don't have the option to enable/disable the antagonist invasions.
I hope all the things they add to the game make it up to keep people playing.
I will return to the game, all the changes look interesting, but, if i gonna have a antagonist on every match i will probably leave again.

Remember the constant invasions and the little reward you get for the time spend fighting a antagonist is a problem.

Everything depends on how much of a reward you earn by losing to a antagonist.

Anyway, i really wish the population grow big enough to keep the game afloat, not everyone hate the antagonist invasions, so maybe the people who can stand or dont care about invasions can populate the game.
I'm still hoping they announce that before release. It being a feature that make the game "unique" doesn't mean you can't have it as a separate mode.

I'm one of the people that can tolerate it and just happy I don't gonna play as one anymore but boy I would lovethe ability to opt out when I want to!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New Spacelords Features...
 on: August 10, 2018, 07:23:34 PM 
So first you have to play online in order to unlock the offline training mode, should it not be the other way around, first train offline and then play online!? Sounds a bit weird to me.
I didn't fully I understand the either but ignore it

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New Spacelords Features...
 on: August 10, 2018, 07:05:13 PM 
I think cortez might be there on occasion or special moments, like when you log-in. he seemed like he was talking a lot and no character does that in the menu. He may also be a tutorial director or something when you first boot up the new and improved Spacelords.

Narrative advertisement is a neat idea, no problems or anything else with it.

HELL YEAH TRAINING MODE! Solo was pretty much that to begin with and now clear as day to new players. I hope it encourages new players and old to use training mode for a mission before going online so not to ruin the experience for people who know what they are doing. that was a big gripe of mine.

Cutscene mode is really cool and welcomed but personally i'd love an in game voice library to listen to every character's dialogue who isn't in cutscenes. Also, in the hades division trailer for the character menu you can see that emotes could be viewed outside of missions, whatever happened to that?

Reward system sounds so fucking amazing: Individual rewards, frequent blueprints, no affinity lock! Nothing else needs to be said.

Over all i'm happy with a lot of this and extremely surprised. This seems like a much better representation of them listening to us than Hade's division update.   

Fan Corner / Re: What's Your Favorite Faction and Why?
 on: August 08, 2018, 03:26:56 AM 
Gameplay wise,  Umbral Wardogs: since I'm always visible I like to play very aggressive. Run around like a chicken with its head cut off but still sense danger.

Design wise, Hades Division: faction with my most liked character and even weapon designs, though Fifth counsel is going to be a very close second when Valeria dropes.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Can this turn into a fun community?
 on: July 30, 2018, 02:39:58 PM 
Don't we have a fun community, already?

Two planets meet. The Broken Planet moans to the other: “Can you believe it, I’ve got humans!”
The other one cheers him up: “Don’t worry, it will pass soon.”
If there's more terrible jokes like this then yeah, we totally got a gun community.
Now I'm inspired to come up with Raiders... I mean Spacelords jokes

Spacelords Universe / how Hades Division "fixed" gold grind
 on: July 26, 2018, 01:57:23 PM 
Let me start out with a disclaimer: I'm slow. It can take me longer time than most to pick up on things, and I also didn't run with pre-made groups a lot before so I'm sure most people already know this.

So we all know that bounty hunter helps gain more gold and having a squad with everyone having a high bounty hunter percentage can make for some excellent loot gain but how many people thought to do sort of a "round robin" with the gains? Like, everyone gets a turn to take the gold without anyone else touching it for how ever many rounds the team chooses. You win 10000+ gold and only one person touches that for that round, and then you move to the next person.

Like i said, i'm sure most people figured that out; I just wanted to get it off my chest since I only thought about it a week ago but something else to think about also is that forge helped with weapon variety. have weapon for gold farming, weapon for blue prints, and a weapon for mobs/antagonist. 

Yes, discovering this stuff is super late since it's confirmed that the next campaign is going to be crazy different but if they don't change things related to this thread then here is some ideas to help get through those not changed.

Fan Corner / princes of the universe by Queen
 on: July 26, 2018, 01:14:54 PM 
Thought of this since the new name. If you could licence this song and put it in a trailer I think the game could garner lots of attraction. It's a song by Queen an i think it really fit the game!

Spacelords Universe / Re: Valeria the new spacelord
 on: July 23, 2018, 05:09:53 PM 
I'm sure Raiders are still called raiders. Spacelords refers to the ones trying to dominate the aleph. Most raiders are helping Harec get the different factions off his home planet or personal reasons that don't have a lot to do with aleph (e.x. Rak looking for more creatures to hunt).
I say this because Valeria is going to be raider.

Also, i'm sure everyone's seen her by this time.

Spacelords’ Advice / Can this turn into a fun community?
 on: July 23, 2018, 12:22:28 AM 
Since there's a update with big ass changes coming very soon, can we take a brake from all the bitching and trying to solve the devs problems and actually talk about something interesting and fun?

Like,  does anyone know how to make memes (I do not), or theories on characters and the world.
Maybe some fun hyperbole for the future of the game. I mean,  who expected an arena mode. I think anything's possible now!

It's just feels like we've been commoners in the king's castle giving advice on how he should run the kingdom while he secretly take notes then goes off to the round table leaving us to bicker and complain. It sucks!

I mean any thread beyond trying to fixi the game would be great.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 17, 2018, 10:51:58 PM 
Like it seems ironic that I, a lover of pvp antag mode, am the one who wants a weapon to remain relevant because it's already pretty unremarkable in pve, but the "pve only" players want it to be completely useless because they feel it's "too good" for pvp.

Like how high of a difficulty do you guys play at? :\ Because at 40% sure R&R will steamroll, but 60% it takes many shots to kill just wardogs, 70%+ it's anything but OP-feeling.
That goes with the pvp vs pve threads since that never really mesh well *cough* destiny *cough*
I usually play around 40-50% because I prefer my hair tearing to be pvp exclusive

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 17, 2018, 10:49:10 PM 
The argument is that R&R is "too good" and needs a nerf of some kind, be it damage, range, fire rate, whatever. Any negative change would instantly translate to less power at a player's hands.

I already can't kill a rocket soldier with a full mag dump at 71% difficulty, and at 60% a mag dump only does like 1/3rd of a Hades elite's health. Reload speed is already kinda slow with max dynamic, losing fire rate, damage, range, etc. would make it even harder to fight with Alicia at high difficulty. She will just gather dust, like Hans, who is phenomenal at pvp, but terrible at high level pve because he just can't deal the damage.

The longest threads on this forum are all "nerf this" threads. It gets mentally exhausting to argue the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
I understand the fatigue. I usually don't read those/these kind of threads because I don't fully understand or think of a helpful suggestion since they have to do with numbers and scaling. With that said, shouldn't the devs scale weapons around the mmr? At least to a point. I don't know how hard that'll be but food for thought for devs, i guess.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 17, 2018, 10:35:04 PM 
fwiw I don't care to "refute" or debate points when there was a dissertation written. Wall of text was tl;dr, I've said my peace and checked out of the thread, bros. Someone responding "git gud" is just trolling, but it seems appropriate when we have a thesis to complain about why everyone who plays this game needs to be weaker to appease a minority.

Been playing Alicia for our crazy mad dash to 100% MMR and lemme tell ya, R&R TICKLES enemies on 71% Destroyer of Worlds.
I know you checked out so feel free not to respond but you sure people are asking others to be weaker? I haven't actually looked at all of pages (this thread has freaking 9, wow!) but did anyone ask to "weaken" a character. a reduce in say distance don't sound horrible, and I'd consider knowing when to fly when fighting AI would be a strategic thing.   

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 17, 2018, 10:06:42 PM 
I can't take people who use "GIT GUD" seriously in an argument, they come off as a meme, and i'm sure they hardly take the situation seriously themselves.
Level9Drow does a lot of talking in these threads and quite a lot can come off as or simply is "bitching" but once he takes his rage dump he makes good points for a good, civil, and cohesive ground for debate and I respect his dedication, but most people would write this off as "just a game" and see his passion as childish but that's wrong.
People need to speak up about issues to cause an effect or just get a better understanding of the problems. That's how it was found out that R&R was a bug right? It doesn't effect the world or even your own health but as long as someone approach it as a civilized and as a reasonable human being (realize it is only a game and not "blow up" about it) then I say approach in kind.
Memes and Jokes are fine but have something to back it up with in an actual argument less you come off as an idiot with no actual thought or real opinion. Just a meme.   
With that said, Drow isn't "bitching" or being a "care bear". The R&R and is more reasonable now but still worth looking at. I recently got it and you feel practically unstoppable  against other players with not just the weapon but the character in general (her flying ability), but I do believe tweaking her will not be an easy task since having really good mobility isn't the only thing a character needs. She needs a good gun.

Suggestions / Re: Rewards for antoganisy and cross play
 on: July 11, 2018, 08:42:07 PM 
I agree with both OP and Level9Drow

Nah. Some people have no interest in learning the game solo.  They'd rather suffer or make suffer through their learning experience. That is just how it goes.  I don't blame them.  I mean, I came right into the game.  I played the Tutorial and ran In Shock, and then I started doing the game multiplayer. 

I just think it's crazy how many people seem to have never played a video game in their lives before this one.  You get a lot of on screen instruction, that just goes completely ignored.
They need to solo so they can learn to read those on screen prompts. There were several missions I went through trial and error with in solo before I  went online because I didn't want to slow others down, but I guess it's more common to not consider others, but at the same time people shouldn't have to suffer at all because instead of having to had played a game they should just know how to read!

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