Author Topic: Game Penalties  (Read 8540 times)


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #15 on: July 18, 2019, 09:41:12 PM
Well I simply haven’t seen mmr that low happen naturally, unless something changed with the new “prizes galore” update… which could be the case, idk, since after said update I admit I haven’t played much, the game has already been butchered with previous updates, at this point only the stress mechanic remains, but I wonder how long before even that is “reworked” (butchered), the game no longer resembles itself, and on top of that playtime now goes unrewarded with gold, xp, fp being trash, and I didn’t say 41mmr was hard in general, steamroll easy in fact, if you have decent forge weapons and know what you’re doing, for new players however its hard… they struggle quite a bit with it from what I’ve seen.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #16 on: July 19, 2019, 12:25:28 AM
Well right now the only person who at least show some screenshots with how low lvls affect MMR is me. I can show you my MMR on next day, its 67% btw, but will you call it bullshit too? And how can they lower it if they themself tiers 6? They arent so good at that like some ppl on forums and discord
And you can see Antag MMR in that screen too, it was really low but he himself was a really low lvl.
MMR 41 isnt hard, most of the time, only problem right now that difficulty did rise up with sooma patch.
You seem to be utterly oblivious to what I'm stating. Match difficulty, at 30-40% is INCREDIBLY hard for T2, R6 players or are you incapable of understanding this? Yes, you're showing screenshots, and? 30-40% difficulty is very easy for a team of T1 players, with build 5+ weapons NOT and I repeat NOT for T2 Rank 6 and unranked. Geez......
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 12:27:03 AM by Marcus4471 »


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #17 on: July 21, 2019, 02:29:54 AM
Is there any possibility you can put in a game parameter that if Cortez has to go back for more aleph, on the first stage of a mission, you can allow players to leave without a penalty?

Case in point; I played the Beast's layer with three T2 players, one R6 Hans, a R5 Hive and Mikah. There was a T2 R3 Rak Antagonist. The Hans player rage quit after a couple of deaths. I killed the Rak every time and stayed by the first bridge to take out the Rak when he appeared. He managed to sneak across the bridge to the middle platform where he killed both the remaining players and all aleph was looted. I moved to to the Aleph generator and guarded it. I also had full 5 aleph stored. No matter what I did, I couldn't stop my team mates being taken out by the Antagonist. If I went to the first platform, the loot got stolen. If I stayed there or the 2nd platform the Antagonist just killed the to R6 players. We had '0' aleph in the generator and already Cortez had been back for more aleph and mid way through lives.

I repeatedly asked three times for a surrender in a row. They refused. There was NO WAY that we were going to survive Marmalade battle first stage, let alone actually get to him, so I simply quit the game. I feel if a game is completely lost there is no point in continuing. If a high T1 ranked player is telling low T2 players to surrender they know what they're talking about and they should listen.

So MSE, in this case, if you've asked repeatedly for a surrender, are still in the first stage, of normally 3, of the mission I think that at least, you should allow those who have asked for the surrender to be allowed to without a penalty.
I would also like to state that since you brought in sudden death, then surrender is really only the option in many situations.
I respect people who want to fight on, but when it's them, that are dieing all the time, they need to start showing respect to the high level player WHO ISN'T dieing and surrender.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #18 on: July 22, 2019, 10:35:50 AM
For example, I quit a mission, I already have a 9.0 on as a Raider because I was teamed up with 2 rank 6's and an unranked player.

so, if i understood you, you let low lvl alone, with a higher AI difficulty because of you, and an even higher difficulty because of your desertion, and maybe against an antag they won't be able to handle easier as you could, just because you won't be able to beat your score, and so you'll want devs to help you being a selfish coward ?


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #19 on: July 22, 2019, 01:30:39 PM
For example, I quit a mission, I already have a 9.0 on as a Raider because I was teamed up with 2 rank 6's and an unranked player.

so, if i understood you, you let low lvl alone, with a higher AI difficulty because of you, and an even higher difficulty because of your desertion, and maybe against an antag they won't be able to handle easier as you could, just because you won't be able to beat your score, and so you'll want devs to help you being a selfish coward ?
Why are you trying to put the blame on him? It's clearly mse's fault for putting him in a match with players much lower level than him. The point of the whole mmr thing is to match us with players of similar skill and level but it doesn't matter how high your mmr is they still put you into matches you shouldn't be part of.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #20 on: July 22, 2019, 01:48:57 PM
so, if i understood you, you let low lvl alone, with a higher AI difficulty because of you, and an even higher difficulty because of your desertion, and maybe against an antag they won't be able to handle easier as you could, just because you won't be able to beat your score, and so you'll want devs to help you being a selfish coward ?

This isn't real life. I'm not FORCED to participate in anything I choose not to. Games are an escape. I play games to have fun, not not to. As Tekato states above, I shouldn't be put in a match with such low players, but it's happening a lot of the time. By quitting I'm actively making a point that I'm tired of being matched up with players who are 150+ levels below me.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #21 on: July 22, 2019, 02:43:38 PM
Why are you trying to put the blame on him?
i put the blame on every selfish coward quitters.
-> because it's ruining missions.

This isn't real life.
yes it is...
you made the choice to let real people have a bad experience because of you, it happens in real life you know, since you are playing with real players.

but if it not in real life, why are you so mad against MSE ? what's the problem ? so they can do anything they want with their game, it's a game ! it's not in real life ! so it's not important... =)

Games are an escape.
yeah... LITTERALLY for you if i believe the story you tell... ;)
i'd rather play with low rank players who want to win and fight for it, than bad high rank players who wait for teams to carry them.
cause the second one will always let you down when a problem will emerge or for any shenanigan who cross their lazy mind.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 02:45:20 PM by sonofoz »


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #22 on: July 22, 2019, 02:49:45 PM
This isn't real life.
yes it is...
Erm....ok.........If you think video games are real life then you have 'issues' and I think I'll leave this conversation there.


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Re: Game Penalties
Reply #23 on: July 22, 2019, 03:12:59 PM
all you are doing you are doing it in real life...
so when you chose to drop a game that still a choice you are doing in real life, who affect other people in real life.

that's not hard to understand.

the frustration, anger, joy or any emotion your action will cause to your teamates will be real, video games or not...
because behind the screen there is real people.