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Messages - Argentil

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Ship's Log / Re: Reward System Hot-Fix Update
 on: November 15, 2017, 12:35:08 PM 
Good to hear, thanks for the update.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Video Faction Guide for new players
 on: November 15, 2017, 12:33:39 PM 
Great vid, would be interested in seeing character breakdowns as well.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Overall Feedback from a Returning Beta Player
 on: November 13, 2017, 11:16:33 AM 
I wish we could play US/EU servers by choice. (Hint Hint, Devs)

You probably could on Xbox One. There's a US and EU version of the client on PS4 depending on the region of your store when you download the game, and because the app is free and shared across accounts, you can switch freely. It even saves some of your progress across versions like currencies.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Countering a Hans Antagonist
 on: November 12, 2017, 02:54:11 PM 
Thanks for the kind words :)

I've posted the guide on Steam as well, as advised.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Overall Feedback from a Returning Beta Player
 on: November 11, 2017, 10:03:19 PM 
The queue times do vary a lot, and I see a lot of familiar names frequently. Most of the time the queues are under 2 minutes. It really must depend on your region and play hours. Perhaps we should put together some communities/squads that play around the same hours using the community section of the forum. If the mods could arrange a proper community subsection for this kind of activity, that might help.

I find the PS4/Steam servers are quite lively between 18:00-23:00 GMT +2 (I go to bed around that time) on the EU client. That said, I don't find unacceptably long queues unless it's around or before noon on weekdays.

The US version of the game doesn't allow you to party with people using the EU client - which is another factor reducing the player pool. This is most likely a latency consideration though.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: server problem
 on: November 11, 2017, 09:52:26 PM 
Have you contacted their support via Email? Might get you somewhere:

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: server problem
 on: November 11, 2017, 09:17:03 AM 
Sorry to hear this is still ongoing. I hope it gets fixed soon.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Can't enter the game (PS4)
 on: November 10, 2017, 03:14:26 PM 
I think you'll need to send your info to the support staff to have it checked out then. Karen posted an email address in another thread:

Spacelords Universe / Countering a Hans Antagonist
 on: November 10, 2017, 12:28:54 PM 
I've had a series of rough, rough games vs Hans, with people who don't know how to handle him, and it's frustrating. So here's a Public Service Announcement. A lesson in how to neutralise an antagonist Hans.

Don't cower in cover
If you're stationary, you make it incredibly easy for him to hit you with his weapon. The splash radius of his bubble gun and rockets are very small, and the projectiles move slowly. If you're sprinting and sliding, it's very hard for him to hit you.

Stay within Line of Sight of your allies
If you can shoot him down before he reaches his target, you can finish him together.

Grapple if you are brawling with an ally
This is a general antagonist rule, but if there are at least two of you, and neither of you are one punch from death: grapple. The only way he can escape is by dodge-rocketing, grappling him will stop this. Which leads me to the next tip.

Stay in pairs
If Hans does manage to down someone, make sure you're close enough to interrupt him from your ally. As he nears your ally, start punching him, don't go for the grapple. He will be desperately trying to get the immunity window from killing your friend. If you delay him for a few seconds, your ally will come out of the downed state and assist you.

Hunt him down as a team
Don't touch the objectives until the antagonist is dead. You'll have a 20 second window to continue with the objective once he's out of the picture. Always have your eye on his respawn timer, and once it's up, locate and destroy him.

Pick the right raiders
Some good counter-picks to Hans are Alicia, Ginebra and Hans. They are very good at hunting him down and tripping him up. Don't pick Shae or Harec unless you're extremely confident, Hans will tear them up otherwise. If your team looks strong or you can trust that they are reasonably experienced, then take a sniper, but I wouldn't advise taking both of those characters together. As a general rule, it is best to try and have a balanced team. Konstantin is a good secondary, supportive pick because his bubble will save a lot of lives. He's an excellent babysitter.

A lot of these tips are good against all of the antagonists, but I had to make this thread specifically because I see new and even experienced players falling into the trap of hiding in cover against an aggressive Hans all the time. Be aggressive in turn and he's helpless.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Can't enter the game (PS4)
 on: November 10, 2017, 10:57:10 AM 
That rank glitch has been around for over a month. I'm currently at -2 to rank up. It's an odd glitch. Don't worry about it, it's not breaking your client, however, the crash might have done so. You may have to redownload the game if it doesn't come right. Sounds like it might have corrupted during the crash.

I'd like to bump this topic in light of the recent reveal of Ginebra's 360k Gold price tag. Now more than ever Gold rewards need to be granted to players individually, it's demoralizing when you consider how long you'd need to grind to unlock these characters.

As one of your Spanish players said in another thread, there is too much competition out there for you to create such unrealistic grinds for your players, with such unfulfilling rewards. These hefty prices are just pushing potential customers away, and it's terrible for the long-term health of the community.

Ship's Log / Re: Reward System Hot-Fix Update
 on: November 09, 2017, 01:31:31 PM 
I have to say, I don't think this reward hotfix actually solves the problem at all. Raising the amount of gold rewarded by a third across the board is the wrong approach to take here. The economy is so imbalanced now that almost everyone is just rolling gold. This is a bit short-sighted.

I hope the dev team is seriously considering the daily reward system I proposed in another thread, but with Gold rewards exclusively considering the current situation:

Edit: I don't mean to sound defeatist, I have faith that there is a long-term plan in the works.

Ship's Log / Re: Reward System Hot-Fix Update
 on: November 08, 2017, 08:07:53 PM 
Thanks for the update, just in time.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra costs 360000g??!!!
 on: November 08, 2017, 07:49:58 PM 
My post from the Ginebra announcement thread:
I've been tracking my rewards for the past 2 weeks, trying to put together a comprehensive spreadsheet showing the poor rewards I've been receiving for the past month. I just dug into my spreadsheet now to pull the average Gold reward I've seen (not personally earned) across all 71 games I've recorded.

This is the average gold reward across various maps, wins/losses, antagonist presence, blueprint drops etc, so by no means is it a true indication of everyone's experience, of course. The average I saw was 4411.75 Gold per game. This doesn't take into account that the gold reward is the most sought after, so often that pittance is split between 2-4 people.

Guess I'll grab Mikah and Ginebra in like 300 games. This is nonsense.

Ship's Log / Re: Ginebra Now Available for All Alien Myths Players!
 on: November 08, 2017, 07:34:05 PM 
I've been tracking my rewards for the past 2 weeks, trying to put together a comprehensive spreadsheet showing the poor rewards I've been receiving for the past month. I just dug into my spreadsheet now to pull the average Gold reward I've seen (not personally earned) across all 71 games I've recorded.

This is the average gold reward across various maps, wins/losses, antagonist presence, blueprint drops etc, so by no means is it a true indication of everyone's experience, of course. The average I saw was 4411.75 Gold per game. This doesn't take into account that the gold reward is the most sought after, so often that pittance is split between 2-4 people.

Guess I'll grab Mikah and Ginebra in like 300 games. This is nonsense.

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