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Topics - Eik98

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / create a healer
 on: December 08, 2017, 06:26:55 PM 
a healer that can heal other players and do self heal. he/she can't heal injured players full HP just 50 and same goes to self heal. you can give players overheal and it will  count down from 150 to 100 HP if you have a card that give you 150 you will have 200 HP. the healing gadget/ability can be used from long distance. it takes 1 min to recharge after use.

was pistols an idea then it got removed?

Gameplay Feedback / increase magazine capacity
 on: September 30, 2017, 03:44:28 AM 
Hans USU-21 machine gun  only have 8 rounds.
 Mikah first machine gun only have 16 rounds make it 20 rounds for both

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