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Messages - Vladpw123

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Give rewards for solo
 on: April 16, 2018, 08:18:31 AM 
Vlad if u r North America, feel free to add me, I will help any way I can to get Ginebra's Blueprint, I have it so I dont mind. Im lv.63 right now. GT:XjabberwockieX
You use PC?

Gameplay Feedback / Give rewards for solo
 on: April 15, 2018, 09:13:20 PM 
ok i know that this is coop game, but now player base is so low that it is almost imposible to play, i mean even search with quick play take a lot of tame, and if you dont have premade team, it a almost imposible to play specific mission that you need. I mean i want this rare gun for Ginebra, but at this point i think it is almost imposible for me to obtain it. Couze noboy play this mission

Whell i thonk that peple must first think about what game they a re buying. I mean when i bought raiders i knew that game WILL BE HARD devs sayed that. So i knewing that i firstly played a little bit solo untill i knew that i understand all game systems, and then only start to play in MP. And even then i knew that i could lose agains antogonist, becouse this game is hard.
I mean devs sayed that this is hard game wit a lot of complex systems (like mellee) that players MUST know to be effective.

Gameplay Feedback / Mikah journal
 on: November 07, 2017, 05:14:12 PM 
So i hear that Mikah journal has been updated and changed and now we can read about upcoming chars, but i check and i dont see any changes, journal still ends on a part about guy form hades division.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: my thoughts on Ginebra
 on: November 07, 2017, 05:12:50 PM 
I dont think she is overpowered. Here is what im thinking about her:

- no Sprint
- Aggro Meter increases in normal Form
- Slow Reload
- 100 HP , She can easiely getting one shotted by Haroc and Shae and Hans is also a Problem.
- She can be defeated in Pantherform with Melee Grab

She can be Strong if she is able to hit her enemys which standing near a wall. But she isnt rly OP. Snipers and Mobility Characters can kill hermvery easy.
Basicaly she is op becouse if she chose to play defnsivly and stay in Cougar fomr antogonist could not reach her, i mean if you have good Ginebra in a team, you basicaly cant losa aginst antogonist couze every time when you runout of lifes she can just transform in cougar form and run away.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra Transformation
 on: November 06, 2017, 10:27:09 AM 
Hell her COugr form is OP as f%ck at this point. I think if we give her at least a little buf she will brake game.
And her form can be used ofensivly. If you notice  you go compleatly stealth while in this mode, also you can fastly reach elevated postion. This gives you oportunity to attack enemys fom unexpected directons.

Gameplay Feedback / my thoughts on Ginebra
 on: November 03, 2017, 09:05:57 PM 
As always sorry for broken english, i know it is kinda bad. Try read it with funny russian accent mayby it will help.
Well i played Ginebra for a while and this is my opinion for her.
First of all she is amaizing, coolest character in game, really fun to play.
Also her disign is great, really cool character, (also when she is in her human form cougar head on her back looks lika a bunny, kinda cute)
Her weapon is cool, i like how you can be creative with it. Also her Cougar for is really intresting and abbility to climb walls and traverse map is really cool.
Her bigest problem is that she is OP as ****.
I dont play her AS Antogonist(people say that she brake faces in antag mode too and i belive them)
But in Raider mode she is basical antyantogonist, i mean her crosbow can deal massive damage, and can ptentialy put antogonyst in wounded mode with 1 hit, also in her Cougar form she is almost untouchable. A lot of times when team lose all lives i just go into Cougar form and run around map like crazy untill Cortez returns with lives.
So imho how her problems could pe Solved.
Her Crosbow is too powerfull, nerf damage output.
Her Cougar form is where problems starts becouse fixing it is problem.
Some people say that her aleph meter should be visble in Cougar mode and i agrred with it.
Also i think that we need to do something with her abiility to run almost forever. I think this is how you can do it.
Lets call it Overheat mechanic. So we give Overheat meter to her Cougar form that fills when she run and start to drop when she is not moving. If meter fills up Ginebra will leave her Cougar form(probably in wounded state). Also she would need to wait for cooldown for her abbility to use cougar form.

So i just finished a relly strange match against antogonist. It was prologue mission, and as it happens a lot i (ginebra) got in a party with 3 new players. Then 2 of them logout an i left with 1 player(konstantin) He was new player btw(He had problem with melee sstem as all we had when we started), and Antogonist Licus(His rank was 0) He was pretty ok at least he understands how melee works and could adapt. And we won. I mean this is really speeks about problem with ballance. I mean 1 noraml player and 1 noob win against pretty decent antogonis (on a map that everyone think is best for antogonist) Well it was hard as hell but we win. And 1 thing that helps is:
Ginebra gun ignore Licus shield. Well his shield block damage from arrow. But arrow still push Licus even if it hits into his shield, and if this arrow pussh him into the wall he get damage(enough to put him in wound state) i think that this is broken.
(Also maybe i am a bit wrong about antogonist mode balance and game drop difficulty of minions becouse of the fact that there was only 2 of us)

Bug report & Technical Support / schrodinger Cougar
 on: November 01, 2017, 05:10:37 PM 
So today i got really strange bug.
So this is happened i think that antogonist try to graple just in a moment that i transformet into the cat mode. This is hard to explain but basicaly i transform in schrodinger Cougar. So i just continue to run and nothing happened but game tells me that i am dead. Timer for my respawn started, but i was alive i could move and shot. After timer go to zero i ust teleport to spawn loaction.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra rare gun.
 on: November 01, 2017, 02:13:36 PM 
It's the survival of the sickest - only the real Ginebra lovers, like me, will get that gun no matter what :P But her skin surely is expensive though.
Guy(or) girl. I think that on everything that conected with ginebra, i see you. I find your dedication towards your waifu is pretty inspirational

Gameplay Feedback / Ginebra rare gun.
 on: November 01, 2017, 10:51:45 AM 
Ginebra rare gun cost 37500. it is supossed to be such expensive? Couze i think that this is a bug.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Economy
 on: October 29, 2017, 08:57:00 AM 
They said they're gonna be releasing a bunch of new cards soon, so there will be more reason to shuffle. I actually don't mind the way it is now though. There's so much to get and it takes such a long time and progress is so slow that it's nice to have one thing complete at least lol.

Oh and faction XP will be useful for upcoming characters too, so it's good to haven't a bunch of that saved.

I think the purpose of rare cards is to encourage people to keep shuffling until they get them, but with the extremely high cost of locking a card no one wants to shuffle once they get a card they want. Not until they've saved enough gold for weapons and characters and other stuff anyway.

Well. As i sayd problem that most players dont want to experiment, and just stop shufle after they get card that they want. And after this they pick gold. Always.

Gameplay Feedback / Economy
 on: October 28, 2017, 09:14:09 PM 
So game have 1 problem with economy. Gold is more important than char/faction points.
So yeah that is it. For example i have good carts that works for constantin and i dont need char faction points for him.
urther more i dont need char/faction points for all characters that i activly use.
And i see that this is becoming a trend.
A lot of high ramk players always pick gold. Hell i dont eve remember last time when i was only one picking gold. Everyone needs gold. But you dont need that much char points.

Not my idea, just quote one of the players: UPD: He created his own post on Steam, so I'll just copy it here.

Weapon Mods
I had a small Idea for the Game. Weapon Mods.
Nothing big, nothing, that will change the Game in a big way, but it gives people a way to spend Faction- and Characterpoints.
My Idea is, that there is a small Vendor, that sells Gun Mods or Parts to craft Gun Mods for each Character. Something like a guy, that travels from Planet to Planet, lives by stealing from the bigger Ships and selling it to the next best Person, that pays them well enough.

Just small Mods, like a bit more Accuracy, a bit more Ammo per Clip, a bit less Recoil or faster Reload (maybe some Stuff, which is done with Cards at the moment) etc. nothing so big, that it will change a Character into something completly different or give huge advantages, but enough to give people the feeling, to make some choices.

The Mods would give people some kind of short term Goals, which can be done in 1-2 Hours per Mod.
With every Character getting around 3-4 Mods per Gun at the moment and 3 Guns per Characters, people would have a lot of small Goals and Options to spend their Character and Factionpoints on.
Good idea. Also we knew such character. In descriptions of Licus and Alica alternater guns mentioned some gunsmith who created guns for Licus.

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