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Messages - k9unit1987

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: skins
 on: December 19, 2017, 05:31:36 AM 
I love the skins of the game, but certain skins for certain characters cost too much, 6000 for a loaht skin is basically 60 dollars worth mercury point, 6000 is too much, 3000 is more reasonable, his skin is ok but it  is not op, pls just think about it, in marketing strategy lowering the price will allow people to start buying more

Whoa, whoa, whoa 60 dollars for a skin? Funniest shit I ever heard! Are you guys sure EA isn't behind this game? Todays gamers are so stupid you guys are getting robbed blind.
I'm pretty sure no one is buying those skins so you can stop with "people know a days" garbage.

So this game released all over the world? And you don't think anyone bought these skins this person is talking about? I bet any amount of money plenty of people have bought them. And they will continue to do so. It's their money do whatever, but 60 bucks if that's true is ridiculous. You're just naïve.  I know enough to know you can farm the weapons but not the skins. And I bet soon there will be an update to purchase weapons you can't obtain quickly. And did you help develop the game? Why you so mad? I'm just commenting on feedback and here you come to the rescue on behalf of the developers. Let them do their own talking if they care so much.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Devs, speak to us!
 on: December 19, 2017, 04:18:36 AM 
There is too much silence from the developers. Weren't they going to make the game with us along side them? It's hard to tell because we don't see them in forums. The most recent ones have been in post related to bugs (which is good to see them in) and post praising and loving the game. that's not cool!

I understand that it must be very frustrating and simply hard for the developers to deal with gamers. Gamers can be crazy and hard to work with. Too many childish remarks and blatant disrespect. That's not something people should have to read or deal with when coming from adults, but I don't see that here in this forum. I see a lot more passionate players who are giving decent advice and suggestions almost always ending in a reminder that they love this game and want to see it improve.
Seeing almost nothing but criticism in the forum might not be the most motivating thing to read but we do it out of love and respect for what you have, and should be given the same amount of attention to the post giving simple praise for the game.

I ain't gonna lie, I don't know how the community manager's job work. I don't know if you're free to reply to any and all post at your leisure or if there someone that tells you what you can and not comment on. I guarantee she can't talk about micro transactions or the like, but what about discussions? Joining us about common topics and issues beyond "we're listening". How about the developers feedback, hm? tell us why things work the way the do or why the choices that where made made.

If that's too serious then gives small updates on development. A screen shot of what's to come, artwork hinting at future or past development. Make a joke; say something! Don't just leave us hanging.... by a thread. See what I did there   :D

A game like this should have way more interacts with both developer and gamers for both serious and fun topics. We should really communicate. thanks for reading!

I have only been playing this game a couple days, and boy am I glad I saw this forum first. I have said it before on previous post. Stop putting money into these game. Maybe i'm an old school gamer but you don't pay for incomplete games its ridiculous. I have been on here five minutes and so far I learned:

You pay to much for shit and drop rates for weapons are shitty.

Sometime you have to admit you got burned and move on. Its a new age of gaming dev's like this get the money and move on. Its the EA way and everyone is learning it. To just sell out and flip off the gamers.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: skins
 on: December 19, 2017, 04:06:22 AM 
I love the skins of the game, but certain skins for certain characters cost too much, 6000 for a loaht skin is basically 60 dollars worth mercury point, 6000 is too much, 3000 is more reasonable, his skin is ok but it  is not op, pls just think about it, in marketing strategy lowering the price will allow people to start buying more

Whoa, whoa, whoa 60 dollars for a skin? Funniest shit I ever heard! Are you guys sure EA isn't behind this game? Todays gamers are so stupid you guys are getting robbed blind.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: OK I tap out, I submit. MecurySteam you win.
 on: December 19, 2017, 04:02:49 AM 
Fuck this game dude! I was going to get into it but after reading so many of these negative post. I think ill pass. I tried the 1st mission, was fun. But I don't have that kind time on my hands at all. Play Overwatch, or Warframe. Both drop rates are better. And there isn't this timer you speak of to use items. Don't waste anymore money. Sometimes you just have to admit you got burned and move on. Seems this developer doesn't care either way.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: December 19, 2017, 03:51:18 AM 
I agree 100% this game sucks. I will never buy an indie game again. EA has more standards than these guys.

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