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Topics - Level9Drow

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Gameplay Feedback / This new level stats GOT TO GO!!!!
 on: April 10, 2018, 07:15:07 AM 
I was just in a game where the highest level player was 42, and we were up against an antag at level fucking 66. What business does a level 66 player have fighting level 30's to 40's? My gun with harec at FULL FUCKING CHARGE for times FOUR damage with an extra 13% for hero killer did one third of her health as Ginebra. We could not do ANYTHING to her. Do you hear me? NOOOTHING!!!!!!

Is this what you want? Is this intentional? Why would you think this is ok? Why would you think this is fun at ALL? Who the fuck thinks this is fun?

After we inevitably had to surrender to save wasted time I thought, "Well, our level difference should at least reward us generously. I mean, this is what Mercurysteam said would happen." And you know what was the slap in the fucking face they did to us? The spit in the eye? We got little over a thousand gold and faction. THIS is the "BIG REWARD" Mercurysteam said would occur with level disparity. It was a lie. They lied to us saying it would be worth it to accept this new system and that we would be compensated for level disparity. I am telling you all now you will NOT BE COMPENSATED for level disparities. The developers are literally sending you in to be slaughtered and to give some FUCKING ASS HOLE a good time.

This game needs to remove the level stats. I didn't lose to her because she was better. I got killing shots on her so many times that in a FAIR game she would have been dead. I was the better player and STILL lost. How is this a good thing?


That fight was a complete waste of my time, complete waste of my patients, and a complete waste of my trust in the system. I can't keep doing this shit. This is ruining the game for me. I just want to have fun and play a goddamn level without some fucking prick with an ego and something to prove coming in ruining life for everyone else bis dad beats him.

Mercurysteam, you have to change this. People love your game but THIS RIGHT HERE is going to kill it. It's going to kill your game. And if you don't change it this SHOULD kill your game. Because this is not a very nice thing to do to your players, your customers.

As a result from this experience I have now decided that every game I go into where the antagonist out level us I will spam surrender and suicide. This is the quickest way out of the match. Why? Because I know that there will be no compensation for the level disparity, that's a lie, and that the more time spent amusing the sociopath on the other side is more loss of gold, faction and blueprints I could be getting in another game. It's simple pragmatism. And if I see that prick in my group, because his name is burnt into my mind, I am throwing just to get revenge on what he did to me. Because he owes me now.

You've now created a toxic player. Way to go guys.

THIS isn't fair, THIS isn't fun.

Bug report & Technical Support / Ayana has Shae's voice....
 on: April 10, 2018, 03:04:16 AM 
Only when she is punching, jumping, in pain, getting beat, etc... She has Shae's voice. Otherwise when Ayana speaks or there is a cut scene it is her own voice.

Gameplay Feedback / Developing Must Be a Hard Job
 on: April 10, 2018, 12:09:59 AM 
I'm not kidding! You guys have been listening to feedback, made changes in this patch based on feedback and now there is new criticism.

I just want to step back and put my magnifying glass down for a minute and say you guys are doing a great job. I know you guys are reading the responses and considering them. I know not to expect an exact carbon copy of my expectations because I'm not the only kind of player here, but I have a good feeling you are thinking of ways to solve issues in the most balanced way you can.

Thanks for the great product. It was and has been worth the purchase. I know you guys do challenging work. And I know for a FACT that you are very creative and have good taste.

Looking forward to the future of this game.

Gameplay Feedback / Exterminator for Antagonists?
 on: April 07, 2018, 02:10:32 AM 
Why would weapons with Exterminator upgrade be on weapons that can only be upgraded by players with antagonists affinity? Why would an antagonists need to be better at killing mooks?

This is so vexing, as I was looking forward to getting weapons that kill mooks as a Raider. I was really looking forward to Exterminator. :(

Spacelords Universe / How Have your Drop Rates Been?
 on: April 05, 2018, 08:22:04 PM 
I know people are complaining about rolling against other players over blueprints/upgrades. I wanted to leave a comment on these or make a suggestion, but I haven't played enough to get a feel for the drop rates.

If the drop rates are very generous than I don't see a problem. If they aren't frequent enough, than I can see a problem. The problem may be fixed with weapons having "treasure hunter" but I've heard from some that 19% only equals 1% in the actual game drop. If that's the case then that adds another nuance to the issue.

Either way, how often have you all been experiencing drops of any kind?

Spacelords Universe / 5th Council Snipers
 on: April 05, 2018, 02:36:39 AM 
Finally they're in the game. :D

Fan Corner / Lobo's Bastard Son
 on: April 04, 2018, 10:36:27 PM 
So, reviewing all the cut scenes so far it is abundantly apparent that Lycus Dion is one of The Main Man's many bastard children that he has made across the galaxy. Lycus is half Czarnian half human. Let's see the proof shall we?

1. Pale white skin
2. Immortal
3. Red Eyes
4. Affinity for Violence and Murder
5. Affinity for "Bangin' Broads" across the galaxy.
6. Love of the Liquor
7. Affinity for big guns and brawlin'.
8. Space Biker
9. Mercenary

Those of you who know of The Main Man know it to be true. Lycus Dion didn't fall far from that tree.

NOTE: I'm saying he was the REAL Lobo's son, not this new emo-mall kid that DC replaced The Main Man with.

Suggestions / Aneska Guide Please
 on: April 04, 2018, 07:57:01 PM 
Could someone make an Aneska guide? I'm not the most elite gamer here, my current MMR so far is 59%, probably average. But the Aneska fight was VERY confusing and I often didn't know what the objective was, and to be honest, I STILL don't.

Me and my group burned 80k to beat her. But some of us did little more than get mentally blitzed by explosions, fighting adds, dodging bubbles and laser cuts and just shrugged our shoulders and shot things and ran around.

One of out party members said we had to "overload" something when she refueled, but I didn't know WHEN she was refueling or where it is she refuels. Then he said he explained several kinds of attacks she does and to watch out for. And then i thought to myself, "why isn't this intuitive? Why does he have to explain this fight like a World of Warcraft raid boss? Should an action game fight be this non-intuitive?"

We beat her, as stated before, but we just powered through and DPS raced her at the end getting killed over and over while being confused and spending money to come back. I had to use Harec so I would just be out of the way from all the chaos below that I couldn't make heads or tails of, just so I could slowly chip away at her armor with full charged x4 shots, but something told me this wasn't the optimal way to fight her. But to be honest, I didn't know what the optimal way to fight her was.

Could some one make a step by step guide on how to fight Aneska? Please detail what do to at certain times and what to look for.


Spacelords’ Advice / I Went Back to the Smoking Daisy
 on: March 28, 2018, 09:04:46 PM 
The Novera (modified) is very strong, very straight forward, but very simple. It has more consistent higher damage the the smoking daisy with a higher RoF and clip with even greater range, it's a great weapon. But went back to the Smoking Daisy because of mechanics, utility and potential burst.

The max damage is actually WAY higher for the Smoking Daisy, but it's situational and in burst, because it relies on unloading the shells. This kills or at least wounds ANY enemy player and elite outside of higher difficulties. But the things you can do with it are incredible the more I practice technique and watch others use it.

Aside from jumping over enemies heads and unloading the shells you can also slide by them and unload the shells as well or just run away while they pursue you and unload them as they run into the blast, it's REALLY fun to do these things. But this is basic stuff.

When being pursued by an enemy player or elite you can leap onto the wall and at the same time unload the clip and back flip over their head, it is so Matrix badass. I also learned that when in CQC if you get punched by an enemy player or elite you can unload the shells that moment and back flip and most the time you are out of the blast. This makes it so they cannot hit you again NOR can they follow p with a grapple, lest they get blasted. The only thing they can do IF they suspect you will to this is back-flip themselves. Which is fine. After you are done back-flipping and they're sitting their dumbfounded and wounded you then shoot them in the face, grab or punch, you are free. I learned this because it was done on my face multiple times and I was in awe of the antag. And was wondering why i left the Smoking Daisy.

If you guys have more tricks and tips regarding the Smoking Daisy please share. This gun is extremely fun and it's a shame it's normal fire is so terrible, but I've decided to play for fun over optimization and stick with it.

Getting real tired of the mook's double melee gunfire combo. It's really REALLY aggravating, and you are powerless against it. They are MOOKS, MINIONS, LACKEYS, GRUNTS, CANON FODDER, etc... they are too goddamn powerful in melee. I'm sorry, I'm pissed right now. And yes, I just got out from a game we barely won, but I was melee stunned multiple times by "underlings". Underling that are much stronger than the elites.

They have more health than us, they do more damage than us, they even have better combos (albeit simple but more effective) than us, the "elite heroes". Wardog goons heal quicker than wardog heroes, hades division grunts have more health than hades division heroes, 5th council minions have more damage reduction (and mobility) than 5th council heroes.

The mooks are TOO powerful, they need to be toned down somehow. Let the heroes be heroes. Please reduce their speed of melee, or reduce the damage of the melee, reduce their run and gun speed, reduce their health, or something, anything. I hope the new patch brings something that can get rid of this.

I would LOVE to play one of thee mooks in game, the damage, regen, melee (kick, kick, shot gun), run and gun, super wall climb. He would be the best character in the game with his sniper rifle assault rifle. AND...and this is the bog one, he doesn't get wounded.

/End rant

LOVE the game, looking forward to 4/4/18. Venting feed back. Going to bed now, G'night.

Spacelords’ Advice / Harec is NOT G.I.Joe
 on: March 16, 2018, 09:47:40 AM 
If you are new to the game and chose Harec, know that he is a sniper and he has VERY LOW health and no armor. Only 60 whereas every other faction has at LEAST 100 and sometimes armor to reduce certain kinds of damage.

DO NOT run across the battlefield with your team like Duke or Flint, with a sniper rifle in your grip, and PUNCH bad guys. Stay far away and snipe. If you aren't good at sniping and like punching, do not play Harec. Play Lycus.

Secondly; use his special power. It's really good. You think, "Harec sucks, he's weak and only snipes." Wrong, he can turn into a wraith, flay across the air and Spider Man on the side of a wall or upside down on the ceiling a mile away and snipe from there. And if the bad guys see you, you can turn back into a wraith and fly back to your original spot.

Reason for post: Me and my regular group(s) have a new meme called "Level zero Harec". And we see baby Harecs a lot. Baby Herecs run up to bad guys and do karate on them on Short Fused. Baby Harecs never EVER use their amazing flying Nazgul power. Baby Harecs will sometimes use their gun, but from 5 feet away from their target, and then get chain kicked stunned by a mook and die. Baby Harecs make us sad. T_T

When you are on the Hanging by a Thread map and you are facing a really good antag and you are new or are with a bunch of new players please please listen to what I have to say, because it's frustrating watching new players feed.

If you can make it to the third phase, the one where you are indoors and need to overload the 3 generators with Aleph this is what you do if you are getting your buts kicked. STAY IN SPAWN and FARM. It's likely the antag can't take all 4 of you on at once, at least I hope. The elites will come to you and there is NO TIME LIMIT in this phase. When all of you have a few stacks of Aleph, if not 5, then go out and attempt the objective. You will, at the least, be able to load the generators quickly, and at most, be powerful with 5 stack bonuses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This strategy works for most antagonist characters EXCEPT KUZZMAN! DO NOT TRY THIS TACTIC AGAINST HIM! It is essentially suicide.

Background and reason for this post: I was in a game where we had 2 new players. We were against a really good Hive, but me and another experienced player were able to get us all to the 3rd phase. things started falling apart at this point and I tried to get everyone to camp spawn and farm Aleph. The other experienced player knew what i meant and listened, but the other two didn't listen and kept charging out not understanding that we have all the time in the world and all the aleph will be delivered to us. Leave the generators alone, they're fine being empty for now. We lost because they fed. I couldn't believe we lost when it was so easy to counter the Hive's tactics. Playing against antagonists is aggravating enough as it is... yeesh.

Suggestions / Mooks, Minions and Grunts: Suggestions
 on: March 14, 2018, 01:38:59 AM 
I think there needs to be some improvements on the Mooks, Grunts, and Minions on the game. There are a few problems with them right now that exist that feel unfun, unfair or inconsistent.

A) Chain Melee CC: At medium to high difficulty they can chain melee you to death. When you are melee attached by a minion AI it isn't the same as when you are hit by an Elite AI. Elites follow the rules of CQC, like players do, which means that IN THE MIDDLE of being melee attacked you can roll to escape. Mooks, or the minions, are different. THEY can roll out of YOUR melee attack, but if they melee attack YOU you are damaged (of course) but also CCed (crowd controlled, effectively stunned for a second) , AND they can chain this and melee again BEFORE you can recover and you cannot roll out of it. Sometimes mooks will kick, kick, kick all while moving forward and then you die. And the whole time you can't do ANYTHING. You can at least roll out of an elite's melee. Why would mooks be STRONGER than enemy players and elites?

Suggestion to fix: Make melee attacks for minions slower so you CAN dodge after the first hit in the event that they are right up in your face, or make it so you are immune a second after the first hit so you can roll, OR you can make the CC stun effect you get when melee attacked by a mook shorter (but they chain pretty fast). I don't know which one of these solutions would be the best, some of them I can see creating other ridiculous issues, but something has to change.

B) Mook attack priority: This may be a lag or server issue but I often go to attack a mook and he instead punches me instead, even though I punched before him.

Suggestion: Simply prioritize the players attack over the mook if they're done at the same time. The raider characters are the heroes and are unique badasses and should have priority over a mook, let alone a mook not being able to cancel my punch with his.

C) Damage: Is it me or do the mooks do MORE damage than the heroes AND elites with their melee attacks? Mooks will often only have to him me twice, maybe three times on a 100 health hero to wound me, while elites and other heroes have to hit me 4 times on average. Why are mooks 2 shotting with their kicks? With mooks this tough I would imagine they wouldn't take orders from the elites.

Suggestion: Reduce the damage to the level that players follow. Or make the mooks attack much slower if you aren't going to reduce the damage.

D) Those cheap ass shotguns: In the game mooks can CC stun you with their shot guns, and at a FAR distance. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but Alicia and Lycus cannot stun, let alone chain stun, with their shot guns. I can sort of understand this at close range, but across the map a mook fires his shot fun from far away and I get staggered, stunned for a second. So Harec or an Elite's flack gun or sniper shooting me for 80 points of damage doesn't sun me, but a mook firing bird shot for 30 makes me get knocked back? This is unfun, silly and annoying. Heck, this makes me wonder why the elites aren't able to do this.

Suggestion: Keep this for close range only. It's silly to be chain stunned from 80 feet away by 2 or 3 hallow ones walking towards you. Or at least keep the far distant shot gun stuns for much higher difficulties, like 50% or higher.

Closing: Mooks, minions and grunts should never be tougher than an elite or player in terms of technical capability. They should, at the very least, be bound by the same rules the players, and in this case elites, are bound to. Currently the mooks can do things that both players and elites cannot, and it feels unfun and un-heroic to be soloed by a mook, even in higher difficulties. Mooks should be the fun thing you kill a lot of, the cannon fodder, the reason why your character is supposed to be awesome. They should't be able to chain stun, chain melee or beat your punch with theirs.

EDIT: If anyone else wants to add your two cents please do. I want to hear what ideas you could have to fix the minions/mooks/grunts.

Gameplay Feedback / I Have a Concern about Offline
 on: March 07, 2018, 07:18:49 PM 
I'm a gen-Xer gamer so I grew up purchasing games and owning them and playing them for years, like books, you go back and pull out a game form the shelf (Like FF Tactics, Enclave or Halo 2) and play it years later. Now I REALLY like this game so I'm wondering what the future of this game will be.

I'm not sure if anyone here has heard, Gigantic, a hero shooter 3rd person MOBA just died. Now it was a free game, but anyone who liked the game cannot go and play it. Since it's online only it's gone.

That got me thinking of other games I get that I enjoy. Evolve is dead, but I can go back and play offline campaign mode just fine, and it's a complete experience, albeit against AI, but all of your earned items are yours and you can use them. For RotBP you have nothing until you connect with Mercurysteam servers and then you have all of your earned items.

Years from now, when I go back and show friends or sit down and play some RotBP will I have all the things I earned in the game? Even if the servers are offline? I would like to think, that at the very least 3, 5 or even 10 years from now I can still play this game solo mode with all the things I earned.

Gameplay Feedback / H.I.V.E.'s Novera (infected)
 on: March 05, 2018, 08:58:41 PM 
I wasn't sure if I should put this in suggestions or feedback, but I decided to post this here since I don't have any detailed suggestions on what to do about this underwhelming gun. Just a few ideas.

I say this with disappointment, her Novera is THE WORST gun in the game. The "bullet" damage is horrible (1-2 damage) but you would think it would compensate somehow, as the other two weapons she has have. The problem is the other weapons she has give decent range for her infected swarm to transfer health to you. Her default has ok-ish range but the infection lasts a long time so you can hit them for about 10 damage, run in while they're infected and then CQC. Her uncommon makes a cloud with fantastic range, the cloud is stationary to balance the power of the weapon. I see most people use this weapon over the Novera, which is very indicative of the issue.

I wondered why no one used the Novera but then I tried it out, i even tried working with it to understand it. Nope, it is the worst gun, and here's why. The Novera has abysmal infection range, which wouldn't be bad if it lasted a long time, but it also has an incredibly short infection time. So you may shot gun plast them for 2 damage but by the time you run up on them to CQC the infection duration is over. Which means you have to shoot them when you are already in CQC range to get the benefit from the infection. This makes the other two guns WAY better. Now admittedly when you "charge" the Novera is becomes good, but to "charge" it you have to be in an extremely vulnerable position to do it.

The Novera is outclassed by it's two counterparts because it doesn't have a functional practical use. The default gun is best to CQC because you can shoot your target from a distance or medium range then run on them and fight them, or play keep away near them while draining them. So it's better for this than the Novera, it has infection range and duration. The second gun, the cloud one you can fight from a distance. Both weapons beat the Novera at their specialties with no risk of being vulnerable like the Novera. Even IF someone could make the Novera work a bit using skill and caution, the other two would benifit more from that skill and caution. They'd still be better off using one of the other two depending on what they're trying to do.

I think the Novera could use a buff. Because it doesn't merit it's "rare" status, it is actually the worst gun. I suggest at least one of the changes below:
1) Raise the damage on the shots, maybe to 10-15
2) Increase the duration of the infection, at least as long as the default gun.
3)If not the above changes make the infection damage VERY high or tick VERY FAST, because you have to be in their face for it to work.
4)Make it so you can reload without losing the bonus damage from it's feature ability. Often I get it to work and I have 3 shots left and when I reload it's all gone. This is silly that there is a threshold in the first place. You risk the most with this weapon to get that ability to proc, why would there need to be a reload cancel at all. I understand there is the little line that tells you when you can and cannot reload, but this is an arbitrary penalty for a gun that is already lacking and defeated by it's two less rare counterparts. This should be removed for a QoL reason.

Anyways, that's my feedback for this weapon.

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