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Topics - Level9Drow

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Suggestions / Card Activation Indicators
 on: October 26, 2018, 01:07:18 AM 
Remember when there was two little card indicators at the bottom of the screen? These would glow golden when you knew they were activated or working. I think they removed them. But I found them really helpful, especially with certain cards that had a more ambiguous nature.

Could we get the Card Activation indicators back?

Thanks :)

Gameplay Feedback / AFK player
 on: October 24, 2018, 11:52:56 PM 
Clayton.C a playeer for the PC was AFK as Mikah today just dancing and attacking in one spot on the mission Upside Down at about 2:30ish PM AZ time. I was Rak, there was an Alicia and a Hans in the mission as well who all worked hard to carry this player. He costs us the mission because of his lack of contribution.

Spacelords Universe / Shamash and the Locals Enemy Faction?
 on: October 24, 2018, 01:49:13 AM 
Those of us who are passionate about our mistress that is Spacelords have to show the love in our Love/Hate relationship as well.

So, Shamash. Most of us have seen the secret extra ending by now showing Shamash coming through the portal after one of our most beloved protector, and the other two dudes, met an unexpected fate. Shamash is the next chapeter of Spaccelords.

But, what does this mean in terms of "in game" representation? Well all the other enemy factions have enemy AI units and unique units as well as a boss to topple. This means we might see an enemy Locals faction? Oh my goodness! This will be great.

A faction of lower health, stealthy enemies that have no aleph trace. We will get snuk up on by Local "fatties", air strikes by commander elites under Shamash, sniped by...well evil Herecs and Shaes without the nice hair. Or will we see altogether different units? We get a good look at some of them, like those wizard guys with the futuristic clan hoods.

We would have to compensate for their low health so we might see things like Evil Monks with Doldren like power. Elite snipers that can wrath form on a wall. Healing units. Who knows. But if the 5th Council units are any implication, they are only going to get harder. As long as I don't see stealth miners, I'm good with whatever comes next.

What do you guys think about a possible enemy Locals faction?

Gameplay Feedback / Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: October 23, 2018, 07:39:13 AM 
If you are a player of a more experienced level (40 and above) do NOT accept Mentor Matches. I am a veteran player and I am telling you now reject EVERY single mentor match you see, it is NOY worth it. Antagonists if a significantly lower level will waste the new players and you WILL lose the match. You are pretty much guarenteed to lose with new players verses an antagopnists. And you are NOT properly rewarded for accepting. A little hint for you, XP doesn't mean shit above a certain level. What matters is gold and faction. If you don't get a reward of gold or faction from a mentor match then it isn't worth your time.

If you are a new player, I'm sorry. MSE has created a system where an antagonist, of ANY level, can come into your new experience and farm you for kills. MSE has mde you a liability. As a result many players don't want to group with you. When you seee a new match queue and then the queue cancels stating "other player declined" it's because they saw you were a new player because the system warns them and offers a paltry reward for essentially losing, a consolation prise for a guaranteed loss. Players decline because they know there is nothing stopping an antagopnists coming and and completely wasting their fucking time and causing an unavoidable loss.

MSE has made it so no one wants to group with you. And I'm so sorry this has been placed on you, you don't deserve this. But after the experience I've had with Mentor Matches and antagonists I will never EVER accept a Mentor Match, and I guarantee I don't care about a 20% XP bonus, and that isn't even remotely worth it.

And if you, as new players, are able to muscle through low levels and get into the upper double digits and see a Mentor Match I fully encourage you to avoid Mentor Matches as well. You WILL regret accepting them, I promise. And until MSE takes Antagonists out of Mentor Matches no one will accept Mentor Matches, and you will continue to get canceled games because the system warns everyone that you are new.

There's nothing we can do about it, it stinks. I know. But this is the ultimatum we've been given. Sorry.

Gameplay Feedback / Losing Rewards
 on: October 23, 2018, 06:03:52 AM 
I can't stress how much of a shitty feeling and a complete and utter waste of precious life time it is to spend 30 minutes to lose to either some asshole who crashed your game or broken ass AI with 400 health and chain shot gun stun you to death. The rewards for losing need to be more forgiving. To contrary, when you win you aren't particularly estatic either, the rewards or kind of low when you win. So losing is even worse.

Please consier raising the rewards.


Gameplay Feedback / 5th Council Snipers
 on: October 23, 2018, 01:29:57 AM 
You HAVE to lower their damage on their hand gun. Do you realize their hand gun is BETTER than their sniper rifle? They DESTROY you while running away from you. And if you down them, they DESTROY you before you can finish them. Keep in mind that you can doge their sniper shot, but for some reason they never EVER fucking miss with their sidearm. It kind of makes it ironically stupid that they would even bother with a sniper rifle when they have a sidearm HANDGUN that hits as hard as Konstantin's O.Shtorm.

The sidearm is a little obnoxious. Please consider lowering this. It's fucking annoying and also paints a silly situation. Why even use the sniper rifle?

NOTE: Same thing for the 5th Council fatty elites. Their gun is so fucking good I don't know why they even bother charging you to grab. EVERY shot knocks you on your ass and they shoot  every second, you simply cannot get near them when they're wounded. Which begs the question. What moron in the 5th council factory programmed them to charge you when they have in incredibly more dangerous weapon at their disposal? As soon as they are no longer wounded they put away their atomic bomb sidearm and then charge you when you have a better chance of defeating them. It's silly.

Gameplay Feedback / Game Difficulty
 on: October 22, 2018, 12:00:12 AM 
You missions after the patch have a higher difficulty than what the stated difficulty says. Previously we were only punished for making squads with a hidden difficulty (i.e. the end screen would say 45% but in actuality the health and damage of the enemies are at 65% levels). But now it seems this hidden difficulty is now a blanket application meaning they just made everything harder. 45% is now at the levels of 60%, but you don't get rewarded any more.

Will be lowerging my MMR so I can actually have fun and feel like an epic Raider and not get soloed my common soldier mooks on..."45%".

I come back after a short break to this.

EDIT: Please lower bacl to former values, this isn't any fun. I waste weekend time playing the game, would like to progress without feeling like I'm wasting time. No fun, please fix. Very angry, time is being wasted.

Suggestions / Report Function
 on: October 18, 2018, 01:59:39 AM 
You guys need an in game report function. These AFKers who just walk in circles at the spawnpoint getting completely carried are annoying.

Spacelords’ Advice / For New Players...
 on: October 18, 2018, 01:43:51 AM 
This video from Cabbage Cage tells you how to do all the missions in very quick explanations. It's very good and gives you the general idea of how to beat all missions. YES, there are more details he left out, like the Engineers and the turrets on Fistful of Sand, but you can figure those details out. Enjoy new Raiders!

I'd like to thank Cabbage Cage for his excellent video, it was very well done and to the point. :)

Spacelords Universe / KillerBall! Ya! Ya!
 on: October 11, 2018, 12:27:38 AM 
Schneider has gotten some balls now...

So I noticed her eyes and energy "nodes" on her suit don't glow green anymore.

Suggestions / The Possible Problem with Optional PvP
 on: October 09, 2018, 11:06:34 PM 
I don't like PvP, but I think there would be a glaring issue in the current system if we were to make it optional. Doing peaceful antaging to lower MMR and get affinity made me realize something; If PvP was optional in the current system PvEers would grind PvE until their MMR got too high or they needed affinity and then just go lose in PvP as antag until their MMR was lowered, they get their affinity, or both. This isn't fair in a system that has players opting in for PvP looking for a fight. You can't be a PvEers have your cake and eat it to.

What I would suggest is IF the game eventually get's a PvP option to make two separate MMRs for PvP and PvE. This way PvEers couldn't exploit it and lose their high MMRs through peaceful antaging. The only way they could lower their MMR would be to lose verses AI, and that's fair. Likewise a PvPers MMR for PvP (Antagonist or Raider) could only change if he loses or wins while in a PvP fight. This way no matter how god or terrible they are at completing PvE missions it would have no bearing on their PvP matching.

Maybe this is too complicated? Maybe there is some flaw I'm not seeing that would be taken advantage of, but I don't know. If there is let me know what it would be.

NOTE: Currently I play as Raider until I need the roughly 1800 XP for Antagonist Affinity, and then I queue as Antagonists and then peaceful antag, which two lost games gets you the affinity you need.

I know that the system currently can be abused by losing so much that your MMR becomes 10% or something meaning ANY game you have as an Antagonists will either be against new players or really bad one that are likely to fail the mission regardless if you spawn as antagonists or not. OR they will face players with a higher MMR and the AI will be so strong that they won't have to spawn to win. The system as it is now, could stand probably use a separate MMR for antagonists and Raider.

Gameplay Feedback / Some good feedback on this Vid...
 on: October 05, 2018, 01:06:46 AM 
This is for the developers to consider and look at. I think he is fair, not mean at all, and loves the game, but sees the same thing a lot of people see (except the title of the video, it doesn't correctly represent the video I feel and is a bit hyperbolic and mean). Please check it out, it's good fair tough love by ZcriptureZ, much credit to him. Have a gander:, discuss. Most of us love the game and want to keep playing it, and want others to as well. We would rather see things address then not. Let me know your thoughts guys. And we'll see you on the broken planet.

Can you please erase all the VirtolCit spam?

Suggestions / Character Voice Commands
 on: September 29, 2018, 01:51:53 AM 
Have you guys thought about adding statements voiced by the character you are playing when you select one of the 4 commands in game? Maybe a few for each one.


Hans = "Roger!", Alicia = "Wha' eyvah!", Konstantin = "Affirmative Comrade!", Harec = "Undertood!", Doldren = "mmm..indeed."

Laoht = "Can I get some fucking help here?", Shae = "Some assistance would be good!", Kuzzman = "Ach!", Valeria = "Assistants you peasants!"

Come with me:
Lucus = "Get yer' ass over here!", Schneider = "This way! Ya Ya!", Ayana = "You comin' mon?", Hive = "Ubabagabemetubekayaneeta!!!", Iune =  "The distant ones say you should follow me!"

Need Ammo:
Hans = "Ammo required!", Jinebra = "I'm dry!", Mika = "Mika  needs MORE AMOOOOOO!!!", Rak = "I'm out my frreind!"

Just a suggestion. Would add flavor and humor.

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