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Messages - Whitebleidd

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I understand your point but I don't get why your way of seeing the game would be "the true way" and mine would be the "wrong one" ?
Why playing it as a PvE looter shooter would be wrong, if I want to play it this way ?

Nothing wrong at all playing it as a PVE game since it works great, antags are always coming up with the same crap, “it was marketed as 1v4”, “it’s a core part of the game”… anyone that has invested any significant amount of time in the game would know how empty that statement is, since the game works great as a coop shooter.

Then you have the even more ridiculous and frequently used “Without PVP, this game would be pointless and boring to play after getting everything” which is entirely subjective, yet is thrown in this thread and many others by antags as facts, however here I am sitting on hundreds of hours of gameplay, having attained everything and still I keep coming back in spite of the trash forced PVP, because the game itself, the cooperative PVE experience is just so good.

Point is antags are full of it, they are making excuses just to keep other players hostage, nothing more, why do they want to fight PVE players?... I will never know, I’ve never been a tryhard PVP’er or a griefer, so I can’t quite follow their logic.

We know Warframe has a way larger playerbase, and yet all of their pvp modes have almost no players, because they suck.

Hmmm sounds an awful lot like Raiders PVP if you ask me, or are you saying there’s a huge active antag population? Just because the discord is full of them doesn’t mean much, the discord is only a small part of the playerbase.

As a game developer you should never design any aspect of your game specifically with trolling and pissing people off in mind because as it turns out when you piss people off on purpose they stop playing your game and giving you money.

This here is important to highlight because it perfectly sums up what the current antagonist system as a whole is, and the type of player that it panders to, and I say currently because if there were separate pvp/pve then it wouldn’t be the case. But as it stands now, contrary to what most developers would do, MS is for some reason catering to toxic trolling and griefing, basically shaping their entire pvp around it.

Make antag optional= game fixed.

Pretty much...

@MSE_Ojuel gracias por la explicación, aclara muchas dudas.

Únicamente aquellos jugadores completistas que quieran lograr la máxima acumulación de notas deberán sacar 10+ en todas las pantallas, jugando como Raider y Antagonista, todos los meses.

Esta parte del sistema es lo que me temía, básicamente los que no jugamos antagonista estaremos limitados y solo podremos acumular (potencialmente) la mitad de las notas. Técnicamente es cierto, no “tenemos” que jugar antagonista, pero al no hacerlo se nos pone en una gran desventaja, en mi opinión si el sistema estuviera orientado a solamente tomar una nota por mapa (las más alta, ya fuera obtenida como raider o antagonista), esto plantearía un ambiente más justo sin penalizar a jugadores que solo quieran jugar como antagonista o raider.

Con el nuevo modo aventura, que saldrá en la siguiente actualización, las recompensas a final de mes se verán enormemente incrementadas, así como la llegada de la nueva tienda, en la que tendremos packs y ofertas que irán rotando a lo largo del tiempo.
Gracias por vuestro feedback!

Aunque no sé exactamente como todo va a funcionar, a lo que entiendo al ver “Inside Spacelords #13”, este nuevo modo aventura suena muy preocupante desde el punto de vista de los jugadores PVE, ya nosotros tenemos suficiente con tener que aguantar sin opción alguna a los antagonistas. Si este nuevo modo toma todas las notas juntas y requiere de calificaciones de victorias antagonistas, va a ser un enorme problema para nosotros los que no participamos del PVP, como jugador PVE no me siento muy bienvenido y un sistema así se sentiría como que finalmente nos estén echando a patadas.

Sin embargo, si el modo aventura maneja las notas por separado, dando la opción de llenar la barra con partidas raider o antag, entonces mis preocupaciones serian en vano.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Remove the grind and add fun.
 on: February 21, 2019, 03:09:56 AM 
I would disagree on the grind for characters, if anything they are too lenient now, 108k is nothing, I mean a single max forge weapon costs 90k… imo not only should some character prices be higher, level required should also be higher, Aneska for example is imo probably 2nd place on being useless on the hands of new players, just behind Harec, and at lvl 61 a player is still pretty much new. When it comes to gold per match I would say the average is closer to 2500 gold, with 3k being common, and that’s for tier1, lower tiers get handed more gold.

However, I do believe the grind for Faction points and forging are an issue. Forging should be cheaper, not necessarily because 90k is such huge amount but because it’s a big enough amount that it discourages experimentation/reforging, I think I heard it mentioned somewhere and it sounded like a great solution, how it should work is that after initially forging a weapon (which is fine at 90k for max forge), subsequent forges should be considerably cheaper.

The area of the current system that is flat out broken is the Faction point grind, both the cost and the few card slots we have available, that entire area really needs an overhaul, because lowering the cost or giving out more FP per match is not enough.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Will this game survive?
 on: February 14, 2019, 06:27:49 AM 
I definitely don’t want to see it die, but it seems inevitable for many reasons, I would say the main reason is that it doesn’t know what it wants to be, it’s not pvp, it’s not pve and it pisses of both demographics in its own way.

I still have my doubts on Anthem but maybe it will work for ppl on the pve side, there is no MMR shenanigans, simply difficulty options, and no tacked on pvp that pve players must participate in for rewards (looking at you Destiny...) or are forced into (like our esteemed game being discussed here), in fact no pvp whatsoever and a community that seems to be very happy with that.

In any case I hope we get to see the ending to the story or at least most of it, and I also hope maybe someday I’ll be able to simply queue up for a damn match knowing I won’t get some tryhard pvp dude wasting my time.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Shy
 on: February 02, 2019, 04:35:47 PM 
I have to disagree if the intent was to make them unique, it never even crossed my mind that would be an issue, all that comes from this is ppl stop using them and this goes for many of the weapons that have been nerfed to the ground, not only Shy, weapons that were a lot of fun, and at the end of the day isn’t that why we are here.

It can't even infect the Short Fused tank gunners anymore, because it had the "splash" effect removed.

I’m not sure that’s only a shy issue since I’ve noticed changes like this on her other weapons, I also had the nasty surprise of finding out Hive’s daughters can no longer damage mines, she can now only damage them with direct fire, at least using Wasp and Shy, didn’t test the others, but it looks like this update has messed up Hive considerably.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 31, 2019, 07:15:44 AM 
@LordDraco3 Idk what to tell you, maybe we are just at very opposite extremes of the spectrum and the game is fucking us both, I lost gold bp’s for aneska to antags that had loads of help and have also noticed them getting a lot of help on other matches, and unlike before there doesn’t seem to be a difference in hp/damage of the mobs.

Antags are a pain, but since I had all bp’s I often forget how much more of a pain they can be when they literally set you back 8+h from progressing, it is beyond retarded and unreasonable, and takes the issues of forced pvp to a whole new lvl, it quite literally ruins the game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 31, 2019, 12:44:12 AM 
Well antags can go back to relying 100% on the ai, seems it was buffed 2 fold, now there is no difference between spawn rate when there’s an antag, and there is no difference to mob hp/damage, now it’s basically the difficulty of a regular pve match, with the added antag.

Isn’t this a great way of releasing a new raider, having ppl possibly come back to the game, needing the new bp’s but then wasting their time with antags, so they go back to dismissing the game…

Not to mention more weapon nerfs. Off the top of my head, shy (seriously??? Again!!!), wisdom, shit happens, R&R, any more that are in need of being thrown into the unusable pile after the rounds of nerfs from the last months? Funnily enough I believe tolchock is still standing…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 24, 2019, 08:17:06 PM 
So basically since they don’t want to make it optional, they are at least balancing it so it’s less annoying on the player base, well it’s a compromise, so it’s something, good on you MS I can see where you’re coming from, that said there’s still way to many missions that are easily cheesed by antags, Short Fused, Media Res, Mind over Matter, to name a few. Short Fused is especially frustrating with antag, now that we have to make so many trips a single bomb lost to antag shenanigans is way to annoying, they have all the advantage in said mission if they go with a sniper, sooo maybe don’t allow them to pick up bombs? Idk…

And as for the bottom line of this thread, it is incorrect, don’t believe it for a second MS, I get plenty of antags every day, the mode is in no way dead, and a patch to over tune it for antags would be very bad for the already shaky player numbers.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Aneska Questions
 on: January 21, 2019, 06:49:02 PM 
4. Why collect Kraushers Head at all. Didn't he slap her the moment he got word she was slacking? And what use or plans does she have for him?
Yep, she's loyal to Krausher. Who do you think the head on her belt is?

"she tried to find General Krausher. And she did… after a fashion"

Yea I thought she was gonna take the opportunity, and finally be free of the “limp dick” general… have her finally break free and maybe develop a mind of her own, but she even carries his head around now… it’s a bit disappointing, don’t get me wrong her design is great, she is incredibly attractive and knowing MS her gameplay is sure to be awesome, it’s just a shame that as for her character she seems to remain a brainwashed little girl.

I've read a lot of people talking about antags ruining thier game, (not so much anymore since the majority of posters here are likely lv150+). I'm wondering if I'm the only one who is having trouble with the opposite experience.
Lvl 150+ here, antags still ruin the game, and get more annoying and hard to stomach with every lvl I gain.

I have played for exactly 1 year now, and antagonist is currently the WORST it has ever been in my entire play time. If you feel like you suck right now, it's because antags received a massive nerf accross the board this patch. The mode is nearly unplayable.

As an antag you are supposed to be losing most of the time, can you imagine if antags in general had even a 50% victory rate, the playerbase would be even lower than it already is, giving victory rewards to 1 person over 4 is not exactly something ppl are going to put up with, MS makes us put up with antags, least they can do is have them have a low winrate so they annoy in the least way possible… So if what you say is accurate (can’t really confirm or deny since I don’t antag) those changes are good for the game.

Anyways I think MMR has improved lately, or atleast it’s back to being closer to what we had post hades.

Suggestions / Re: How to Portray Women in Video Games
 on: December 09, 2018, 07:38:54 AM 
I can kind of see where you’re coming from, not only the gaming industry but comics and film are all being pressured and called sexist left and right because of female designs, affecting many franchises, but I don’t think raiders/spacelords is one of them, imo it has one of the strongest female casts in gaming that I can recall, every single one of them looks feminine, sexy and badass in their own way. MS also doesn’t shy away from using breast and even butt physics, so saying they are one of the devs that have fallen to media pressure is a stretch, they seem to have a strong artistic integrity.

As for Valeria, because of how she has weaponized her arms and her cyborg nature I think they fit her well, and is attractive, I mean I gotta agree with Lycus here, she does have a great ass…

Suggestions / Re: Dear MSE...
 on: November 15, 2018, 07:47:15 AM 
I think their communication has improved a bit lately and although there is indeed a lot of cookie cutter responses, there have also been some meaningful posts talking a bit more about future mechanics or their reasons for certain changes, especially on the steam forums, more details on current and future mechanics would be welcomed though.

They do however avoid any involvement on optional pvp discussions like the plague, I mean, doing what they are doing to the pve portion of their community is plain wrong and I think they know hence why they avoid it, my message to them is that their pvp is not a major selling point, it’s not what brings in new players, there may be a few that are looking for this type of 4v1, but the majority probably aren’t aware that the game even has pvp of any kind when trying it out, then the antagonist system itself alienates a good chunk of those who try it. Some players will quit just because the game can be hard true, but why add on to that by making others that would have stayed for the pve challenge, quit because of forced pvp, and that is the major issue with the pvp, not that it exists but that it is forced and completely random.

I agree with the op, the issue has ofc not gone away, it kills the will to log on and as much as I love the game it becomes increasingly hard to justify playing when most likely a session is going to be cut short out of sheer frustration because of invasions.

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