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Topics - Max Anarchy Reigns

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Gameplay Feedback / Matchmaking Feedback Suggestion
 on: May 21, 2017, 02:43:00 AM 
After a match ends, win or lose, give us the option to choose to stay together as a party, similar to how it's done in games like Overwatch. Finding games will be a lot faster that way.

Gameplay Feedback / My thoughts on the Beta. PS4 version.
 on: May 14, 2017, 07:10:58 AM 
I love the concept; melee mixed with a 3rd person shooter. It's like a dream come true. But I feel like the combat, both melee and the shooting, both lack a little bit of that "oompf." I'm very aware of the rock/paper/scissors style of the melee: Dodging evades punches, punches cancels grapple, and grapple snuffs evades. I get that. But it still feels like it's missing something, like a 2nd layer of depth to make the gameplay feel tight. Cause when you're doing that whole dance, some times it just feels like a guessing game, which makes the whole thing look clunky. And when you're dropping from a ledge, why can't we do a drop attack? Not asking for an air attack similar to female character's, but something that's universal, yet unique for each character, would be nice!

On the shooting mechanics, I went into it expecting to get an experience similar to gears of war, but it just ended up feeling like a slightly refined version of Warframe's shooting mechanic. No one wants to make a shooter that people compare to mediocre Warframe. Sorry to those who enjoy that game, but I'm just being honest with my opinion. Also, why isn't there any blind cover shooting? You play the game and it feels like it should be in there, but it's not. A weird decision to not add that, IMO.

Don't want to sound too negative, the game does a lot of things right. I like that you have to melee enemies if you want to gain ammo; it really gives you an incentive to get in close for some CQC. That was nice. Like limited number of times you can revive; It was refreshing to see devs' not holding our hands by trying to make things too "casual friendly."  Then there's the antagonist mechanics that really amped-up the difficulty and made the missions really fun! Was expecting the same old co-op missions that every other game does, with repetitive hordes of enemy, then the human element popped in and added this whole other layer. Really nice touch! All that being said, I do hope there's a variety of missions when the full game releases. But yeah -- the art is awesome looking, game has a lot of potential! The shooter and melee mechanics just need some refining and maybe an extra layer of depth to make the whole package something truly special.

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